Medieval Soul: a single ticket to discover the three most important churches in Barcelona


Barcelona Cathedral.

Barcelona Cathedral.

“One entrance: three churches” this is the goal of the initiative Medieval Soul which is launched this month in order to to announce ecclesiastical heritage to believers and tourists.

This cultural experience will allow, with a single ticket and without queuing, to discover the history of the city through three of its most unique buildings: the Barcelona's cathedral , the Basilica of Santa Maria de Mar and the Old Monastery Sant Pau del Camp.

“We will begin to offer a product that is very interesting, both for believers and for tourists. For believers because it allows them discover different prayer spaces enrich your spirituality. Also, tourists allows them to enjoy a range of masterpieces of art from the Romanesque to the 20th century ”, explained in the presentation Mn.Josep M. Turull, director of the Secretariat of tourism, pilgrimages and sanctuaries of the Archbishopric of Barcelona.

Santa Maria of the Sea

Santa Maria of the Sea

From a historical perspective we find ourselves before three monuments of great importance. For its part, the Barcelona's cathedral that we see today, was built between the thirteenth and fifteenth centuries, and according to the Gothic style, but before its construction in its place there was a romanesque cathedral , which in turn was founded on a church from the Visigoth period , of which remains can still be seen in the Barcelona History Museum.

The imposing façade is the most modern of all its parts, as it was completed in the 19th century. It is a monument listed as Well of Cultural Interest and National Historic-Artistic Monument since 1929.

Without a doubt the Basilica of Santa Maria del Mar (also known as Ribera Cathedral) is another of the emblematic monuments of Barcelona and one of the most appreciated by the people of Barcelona, ​​as it was built by the people and for the people between 1329 and 1383.

Since June 3, 1931 it has been cataloged as an Asset of Cultural Interest and its history was adapted in the best seller, The Cathedral of the Sea, by Ildefonso Falcones.

The Old Monastery of Sant Pau.

The Old Monastery of Sant Pau.

Perhaps the least known of all is the Old Monastery of Sant Pau del Camp but no less interesting for that. For those who don't know, this is a small Romanesque church and monastery located in San Pau Street, in the Raval neighborhood.

It is one of the oldest churches in Barcelona , a detail that can be seen thanks to the tombstone of Guifré II Borrell, who died in 911, which is found inside.

Despite its age and the fact that it has suffered numerous attacks throughout its history, this jewel of Lombard Romanesque style It is in perfect condition.

If you are thinking of giving them a visit, here is all the information about Medieval Soul. Tickets range from 10 euros, the reduced, up to 14 euros the general.

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