Elves wanted for this Christmas


elves in lapland

The elves in Lapland are quite an institution

Elves are those beings friendly and affable that helped to Santa Claus on your Christmas chores. They live in a world of gingerbread cookies and toys , dress in colors and are a work force extremely necessary when these dates approach.

Thus, Lapland Safaris , one of the largest outdoor activities company in Lapland, calls on the world to search for the elves who will give the Magic to this Christmas. Could you be one of them? Let's see: according to what they tell us from the company, the elves have to be "people socially positive , with excellent performance skills and who speak perfectly english "although, of course, dominate other languages more is a great advantage. "The elves get carried away without hesitation, they are bright and cheerful team players in and out of working hours, and are enthusiastic about families with children ", they continue.

elf in lapland

Do you have what it takes to be part of the gang?

That's what you should bring from home; later, if you are chosen, they will train you to be the best elf possible in a course three days , one of them paid-. "The most essential thing for Christmas employees to learn in training has to do with the local knowledge of Lapland , protection against cold and group leadership," they say from Lapland Safaris.

After this short training, you will be prepared to carry out a job that "is variable and includes responsibility ". For example, taking care of groups of travelers during his stay in Lapland, without forgetting that "an elf is, at the same time, an artist, a guide and a mythical creature, and represents Lapland Safaris." If you think you're ready for this Christmas mission, which starts in late November and ends in early January, sign up at this offer.

elf in lapland

An elf knows how to have a good time

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