The good life club is enjoyed in Madrid


Madrid Warehouse is more than a terrace, it is savoir vivre

Madrid Warehouse is more than a terrace: it is savoir vivre

the wonderful mansion The Fifth Marquis of Concordia of Madrid , located at Calle María de Molina 25 in Madrid, is the new operations center for this approach. The building, from the 19th century and in a romantic style, was built by order of José Fernando de Abascal, Marqués de la Concordia, and has been remodeled and set in a sober and refined colonial style . You can breathe the peace typical of the clubs of another time, where the hours passed, where time reached another dimension and slowed down so that the members and guests could concentrate without haste. in the pleasures within their reach, among them, silence.

“We like to call this new idea of ​​space, as 'the club of experiences' . In other words, an invitation to discover a sense of relaxation linked to the excellence of gastronomy, wine and other products such as oil, cheese and rum, all under the name of WareHouse, we are farmers since 1366 ”, he comments Maria Fernandez de la Vega , the Communications Director of the project.

Hacienda Zorita Wine

Exclusivity and local products

The products of the land are the protagonists of the awakening of senses that seem lost in urban life, fast and changing. The main motto is: “from the farm to your table” , a very graphic way of describing its seasonal cuisine, with a homemade touch. your chef, Juan Martinez-Alonso , has created a natural and simple 21st century cuisine, in which the chef's technical mastery is at the service of the ingredients , so that they show the full potential of their quality.

Ode to the natural product

Ode to the natural product

The roots of this gastronomic tree of the new club are very deep, reaching an old Salamancan hacienda located in one of the most spectacular valleys of the Iberian Peninsula, the Douro Valley . In 1366, Agnes of Limoges he donated the Hacienda to the Dominican friars in exchange for saving the soul of her late husband. The friars lived there and cultivated the land and the wheat fields. Almost a century later, in 1485, Christopher Columbus stayed at **Hacienda Zorita** while trying to raise funds that would take him to cross the Atlantic and follow an alternative route to that of Marco Polo to reach China… or so he thought. Columbus walked through its gardens of redwoods, maples, cypresses and oaks , dreaming of that journey of discovery and exploration of the other, but also of oneself.

Hacienda Zorita

Here are born the ingredients that you will taste at Warehouse Madrid

The tormes river literally goes under the main house, converted into a first class hotel , belonging to Small Luxury Hotels of the World , and for whose rehabilitation the architects are responsible Ignacio Lliso and Julián Manzano-Monís . The winery has the design of José María Pérez, Peridis, author of the monumental roof of the main nave. In the design of the interior design, a monastic atmosphere with sober furnishings and some contemporary pieces of wood that add warmth and the idea of ​​serene luxury.

Hacienda Zorita from the air

Hacienda Zorita from the air

“We like to call our surroundings ** the Spanish Tuscany ** because of the magnitude of the nature that surrounds us and the historical value of each surrounding town and city. And also, Douro Valley , to connect it with the international context, although we are proud of the Iberian essence. Our cured meats and Iberian hams, oil, cheeses and wine have received international awards on several occasions”, explains Duarte Gonçalves da Cunha, General Director of Hacienda Zorita Wine Hotel & Spa and of the new Madrid club.

In one of the business areas of Madrid, full of offices and MBA students from surrounding schools, this club invites you to relax in the middle of the day, have a good breakfast, lunch or dinner , and meet or relax in its charming interior garden.

Soon you will also be able to buy natural products in the Warehouse Gourmet Store in Spain, with the same philosophy, slow food , the slowness of good work. and it will expand The Haciendas Club , the meeting point in Madrid for the almost 1,000 members of the Members' Club Without Walls born in London 5 years ago, by Richard Macadam and Jaime Boville Gª de Vinuesa.

Warehouse New Club Corner

Warehouse New Club Corner

As a curiosity, they also have a Rum Bar , a cocktail concept brought from St. Kitts & Nevis, two of the West Indies islands, where the brand's distillery developed exclusively for the club is located, SISTER ISLES™ , a rum of limited and handmade production.

Despite the exclusivity of all the experiences offered by the club, it is not closed: is open to all lovers of the exquisite and calm, a club to dream of the most important journey we can experience, the discovery of the “good life”.

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