The Sneakoscope: 15 Years of Primavera Sound


The Sneakoscope 15 years of Primavera Sound

The Sneakoscope: 15 Years of Primavera Sound

IN THE BED: M Train of patty smith . No, we can't read it yet (it won't hit American shelves until October 6) but it's always good to tell you about the "book you'll have to read this fall." While we are left with Just Kids , the autobiography of the artist who leads the Primavera Sound Thursday and an ode to love, to her love for Robert Mapplethorpe.

M Train

M Train is published on October 6

BETWEEN FRAMES: MACBA. The Museum puts its facilities at the service of music, being part of Primavera a la Ciutat and hosting the activities of Primavera Pro. Among the major events, the Grand Final of the Music Industry Ideas Contest and Investment Forum will be held here, as well as concerts by The Shalalalas or the Australians millions.

IN THE SHOP: La Botiga del Primavera Sound (Ases Street 1) . The point of sale (obviously) of the festival stamp, The Segell of Spring (label that carries artists like Lee Ranaldo), You will find the paradise of the melónamo. Pay attention to its small-format concert schedule in the store, jam-packed throughout the year.

The Botiga del Primavera Sound

The store of your dreams ... music lovers

ON THE BEACH: You have to take advantage of the quasi-summer temperatures that are lavished in the Ciudad Condal to rest on the towel and with the sea breeze. The perfect siesta in those silly hours after eating. Here you have the definitive guide to avoid making a fool of yourself on an urban beach and the essential addresses to enjoy Barcelona.

Manual of use of urban beaches the Barcelona case

The always 'on fire' beach of Barcelona.

IN THE TABLE: nothing like waking up after a few hours of sleep (just enough and necessary in this context) to pay homage to El Cangrejo Loco seafood restaurant. Suquets, rice dishes, shellfish, grilled fish... extreme salivation (and with a taste of the sea) in an unbeatable location and with national products (Fish from the North, shellfish from Galicia, prawns from the Catalan coast...) plan that they propose for the dinners of June 8, 9, 10 and 11, a Menu with Pairing of Wines and Cavas in collaboration with Juvé & Camps. GO-ZA-DA.

the crazy crab

The seafood of the festivalgoers

ON THE WALKMAN: it smells like spring, it's totally spring weather (even summery?), it tastes like spring and, above all, sounds like Primavera Sound.

ON THE SCREEN: no, seeing it is not comparable to living it. But if you have to stay at home, you can enjoy the festival in streaming (and so to taste, with some tortilla chips with guacamole and your cat next to you wagging its tail). Be clear that no matter how ambitious we are, you will have to miss a concert but, in any case, the Primavera Sound website offers two channels so you can choose a stage; In addition, you can comment on everything you are seeing in the hashtag #primaveralive .

IN THE NET: Take the festival on your mobile with the official festival App (iPhone and Android) and don't forget any essential concert thanks to the alarm settings. In addition, any change in schedule or scenery will be notified to you instantly. 24 hour PS people. AT THE HOTEL: An appointment for early risers (or those who never sleep) lovers of electronics and waking up between (dj) decks. On Saturday you can enjoy a DJ in the purest Traveler style at the Hotel Pulitzer. It will be at 12.00 and you will dance to the sound of DJ Supermarket.

Pulitzer Hotel

In the hotel, in the house!

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