El Once Canalla: Porto as a festival and Madrid as a book


festival port

festival port

1. In the bed: the Madrid Book Fair is to kick it. We are left, from our selection of traveling books, with a photography classic: The Americans, by Robert Frank. "You end up not knowing if a jukebox is sadder than a coffin," Kerouac writes about this compendium of photographs of an anti-American dream America.

The Americans

'The Americans'

two. In the bar: Plane B (Rua Candido dos Reis 30, Porto). parties here they are pure port (culture in the morning on the upper floor and party at night on the first floor). In addition, it is one of those places that you do not easily forget: it is located in an old textile workshop.

Plane B

Music, party and culture in a textile workshop in Porto

3. between frames: Factory (Alameda 9, Madrid). The new space of La Fábrica is already in the capital. 400 meters for culture. Newly released with the exhibition of the Japanese artist Nobuyoshi Araki , La Fábrica becomes a space for relaxation, dialogue, workshops and art in his gallery. Photography lovers, your specialized bookstore will make La Fábrica your new point of reference. And as a final point, the space also hosts a gastrotheque . Come on, how not to get out of there all weekend.

The Factory

The cultural reopening par excellence

The Factory

400 meters of culture

Four. In the club: Maus Habits (Passos Manuel street, 178, Port ) . They are defined as a 'space of cultural intervention' for a reason. The most underground Porto for the pre or post festival Optimus Primavera Sound.

Maus Habits a 'space of cultural intervention'

Maus Hábitos, a 'space for cultural intervention'

5. At the table: Mother's Love (Calle San Joaquín 14, Madrid) What they give you in this 'underground tavern' It is precisely that: sweetheart. The treatment is fantastic and the food, like a mother. Perfect to order several dishes and share, or to enjoy a good plate of curry meatballs.

6. On the road: Porto . The Spring Sound of Barcelona one more edition has closed its doors (sigh). But for the insatiable, Porto is the second obligatory stop, with the celebration of the Optimus Primavera Sound (today: Blur, Shellac, Local Natives, Swans...) . What more do you want? A good francesinha on the banks of the Douro, a fleeting visit to the other side of the river, Vilanova de Gaia, to taste the best wine in the region and the endless walks through the city with its peeling walls.

Mother's Love

The Underground Tavern where they serve sweetie in the plane

7. In the stadium: Celtic – Spanish. Balaídos, Saturday at 9:00 p.m. The Galician team is playing for its permanence in the First Division.

8. In the cinema: Stoker. Perhaps another Lolita of the 21st century? This is the story of India, who, after the death of her father, ends up living with her mother (an unstable Nicole Kidman) and her uncle, a somewhat strange character who ends up obsessing the young woman.



9. On the walkman: Blur. Today is her big day in Portugal. The British return to the Portuguese country within the framework of the Optimus Primavera Sound to review her career, in a self-tribute that, if it sounds the same as in the SP of Barcelona , will shake the legs of more than one fan.

Blur PS13

Blur at the Primavera Sound Barcelona concert

10. A neighborhood: City Park, Porto. Today plays a venue where music, sea, river... everything is mixed. How beautiful Porto and how handsome it is at a festival.

eleven. In the conversation: will there be summer? but? They say around here that temperatures rise. Be that as it may, one thing is clear: NOBODY takes away terracing from us.

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Optimus Primavera Sound from Porto

Porto's Optimus Primavera Sound is held here

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