We want to travel and live without fear


For the right to travel without fear. For the right to live without fear.

For the right to travel without fear. For the right to live without fear.

Syria, Istanbul, Paris, Brussels... Nice. The list is already too long, obscenely long. Last night, during the celebration of the Feast of the Federation, horror struck France again. Supporting hashtags (**#PrayForNice**, #NoToTerrorism , #NousSommesUnis , ** #JeSuisNice **...) have started to flood the net. The facts so far: Christian Estrosi , the President of the Nice region, has asked citizens not to leave their homes through a tweet ; the President of France, Fraçois Hollande, extends the State of Exception for another three months; Spain reinforces the border with France and reviews the Terrorist Alert Level (currently 4). Caution is not an option. neither is fear . At 12:00 a minute of silence will be held at Puerta del Sol in Madrid.

We travel to learn, get away from the routine, also to take a picture (we are not going to deny it), but, above all, we travel because it is necessary : to slip into the shoes of others, to see the world beyond our navel, to listen, share and build bridges. In the face of terror and fear, we know that the best response is Let the music play, let freedom shine, let culture flood us and bring us together. May empathy fly over borders (near and far).

Eugene Delacroix

Freedom guiding the people


Telephone numbers for victims in Nice:

04 93 72 22 22

To speak with the consulate:

06 15 93 87 01

And from Spain: 00 33 615 93 87 01

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