There's nothing left for you to taste Luke's coffee (Gilmore Girls)


Luke's Diner

Luke's Diner

Most of us know Scott Patterson for his role in Gilmore Girls . In the series he plays Luke, the owner of the Luke's Diner , a cafe that Rory and Lorelai often attend.

By chance of life, now Patterson will throw your own brand of coffee . "I've been thinking about it for a long time. The coffee is an emotional and unifying product, and all the people I have met in this business are happy to be in it. It has been a great joy to create this and shape it", the actor told "Furthermore, I'm a coffee fanatic, I drink a lot, and I know enough about growing the bean to launch my own brand ", he continues.

And it is not a passing hobby, Patterson is here to stay. " I will do this for the rest of my life and pass the business on to my young son. . I see him constantly building things: tracks for his racing cars, tracks for his trains... he has his own creations and is proud of them; he loves to build his own world. That's why I'm eager to get him off the toy side of him and show him what I've built. I want to impress him and grow up seeing me build something I love, with all that that implies: I want him to learn the value of hard work, innovation and dedication. when he sees me sailing the rough seas of the business world," he tells our magazine.

Scott Patterson


"We are working diligently to bring the Scotty P's Big Mug Coffee to the consumer market in the best possible way. I'm gonna offer many flavors, blends and different types of coffee so we can all enjoy it. I am also eager to partner with charitable organizations in order to shake consciences and generate profits through my brand . We are going to organize events on the ski slopes and on the beach to help them. It is very important to me: give something back and make the world a better place ", ditch Petterson.

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