Six books to awaken the traveling spirit in the little ones


To the eternal question of whether a traveling spirit born or made, science has already found a possible answer. For now, all roads lead to the DRD4 gene or, rather, to its DRD4-7R variant, which is believed to be the cause of that curiosity and restlessness taken to the extreme on which it is based this community.

But the truth is that, apart from genetic confirmations, there is a travelers factory at least as powerful, and it is the environment in which they develop. Stimulate the little ones, as well as make them participate, whenever possible, in our trips is one of the best guarantees that when they grow up they want to follow in our footsteps and continue enjoying the world , though not necessarily in Our company.

And since we know that few elements are capable of evoking dreams and desires like books, we selected six titles perfect, if what you are looking for is wake up the worm In the kids. Just a warning: you run the 'danger' that they just want to travel.

World Atlas: An unusual journey through the thousand curiosities and wonders of the world

to want travel the world , first you have to know it, and this atlas is a very good way to start showing it to you. Written by Aleksandra Mizielinska and Daniel Mizielinski, it offers a tour in the form of illustrations of the main wonders that the planet Earth.

From the geysers of Iceland to the Mayan pyramids, passing through the incredible Australian fauna and the african geography . All this through 55 maps, 46 countries and 6 continents.

books kids travel

City guide: A journey through 30 wonders of the world

In addition to its atmosphere and its food, if there is something that drives us to travel to a city, it is those monuments and emblematic buildings with which we grew up. This book collects and reinterprets the most popular places in the main urban centers of the world.

Cities like Barcelona , London or New York hang out with others 27 popular destinations in this urban atlas created especially to trigger the curiosity of the youngest members of the family.

books kids travel

Fearless: The Exceptional Journeys of 25 Female Explorers

What do women like the American aviator have in common Amelia Earhart , the Japanese mountaineer Junko Tabei or the Hispano-Roman writer Egeria? The trips that made them a legend and with which they challenged the belief that the ability to explore was only reserved for men.

Cristina Pujol Buhigas and Rena Ortega recover 25 adventurers through their travels and expeditions with which they earned a place in history in a picture book intrepid.

books kids travel

The Travel Book: A journey through every country in the world

A guide stopping at 200 places of the world is the strong bet of the children's section of Lonely Planet. The result is a most complete tour of the whole globe , from the hand of photographs, traditions and varied information of the different countries.

Also, and since it is only available in English , will test your command of the language. the travel guide The Travel Book: A journey through every country in the world It is designed for children between 9 and 12 years old.

books kids travel

The traditions of the world explained to children

Knowing the customs of each place will not only give them a perspective totally different of the world, will also contribute to raising their tolerance levels to other traditions and cultures. The book The traditions of the world explained to children reels 50 customs from different parts and cultures to bring them closer to the potential travelers of the future. For example, the training of cormorants that takes place in different Asian countries so that they fish for them or how the members of the Moken ethnic group are able to see perfectly underwater.

books kids travel

Around the World in 80 Days

Last but not least, the quintessential traveler classic. The novel that has probably become the largest explorer factory in the world along with titles like Twenty thousand leagues under the sea either Journey to the Center of the Earth . The works of the French writer Julio Verne are without a doubt essential reading to get them to take out the Phileas Fogg that everyone carries inside.

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