Galway 2020: explosion of Irish culture


Galway 2020 explosion of Irish culture

Galway 2020: explosion of Irish culture

What that culture in Galway exceeds any expectation is something that we are not going to discover: in this little corner of the Irish west music, dance, theater and, ultimately, art in each and every one of its variants, it explodes every second somewhere in the city. It is something intrinsic to their way of being, to their way of enjoying life.

That is why the simple fact of walking through the mythical Shop Street, Galway's main avenue, where the music—a lot of it, with Celtic roots—plays constantly, either coming from the loudspeakers of the souvenir shop on duty, from the many pubs that dot the street or offered by the innumerable street artists —believe us, there are many— who set the scene every day.

Galway 2020 explosion of Irish culture

Galway 2020: explosion of Irish culture

This is how one begins to enter a magical, almost dreamlike world, brimming with creativity, talent and good stories, which extends far beyond the city itself: the entire Galway region oozes culture in spades.

And it is that Galway is the concentrated essence of what anyone can look for in this country of elves, fairies and clover. It also influences, of course, its rich historical legacy, dating back almost a thousand years and even the way of being of its people, open to the world and the stranger —we must not forget its port past, that always helps—.

The point is that not only the city of Galway, but the entire Irish region, won the title of European Capital of Culture 2020 because he simply deserved it. A title that will wear proud throughout the year.


The fourth largest city in Ireland has known how to use ingenuity and all the potential it has at hand to shape a complete program that has been organized according to – and we love this – the four seasons of the Celtic calendar.

An immense event that started last February 1st with Imbolc, which symbolizes the outbreak of spring and the beginning of a new life, and which will be followed later Bealtaine (summer), Lughnasa (autumn) and Samhain (winter) over the next 12 months. Each new station will be inaugurated with a spectacular fire festival, something deeply rooted in Irish traditions.

The streets of Galway exude tranquility and culture

The streets of Galway exude tranquility and culture

Taking a look at the program of activities —more than 1,200 and watch out, because the list keeps adding up— the variety of proposals, which are organized around three main themes, is surprising.

The first is inspired by language as a hallmark of Galway. And we are talking, in case you did not know, about the only bilingual Irish town: Irish is the first official language here. In fact, there are numerous towns in the Connemara area where English is not heard at all.

The second theme is immigration seen from both inside and outside: Although the country has five million inhabitants, there are around 70 million people of Irish roots spread all over the world . But, on the other hand, Ireland receives more and more emigrants arriving from the most diverse places on the planet — 20% of its inhabitants were born outside of Ireland —, which has been transforming Galway into a much more liberal city.

And finally there is the theme of admired landscape: To understand it, you only have to leave Galway city a little, whether it is towards the mountains of Connemara, towards the cliffs of Moher or towards the wonderful islands of Aran. The spectacle of nature, which in this corner of the world has been recreated as in few other places, overwhelms to the point of saying enough.

This project will bring theater to every corner of Galway

This project will take the theater to every corner of Galway


And yes, we will have to leave let the magic in, as the motto of Galway 2020 says. That it surrounds us and moves us as only Ireland knows how to do it, while we take a look – yes, yes – at the programming, which has incredible surprises arising from the imagination of those who have Galway tattooed on their skin, but also that of many other international artists.

Playing with the four seasons, the three themes and the two scenarios —Galway city and region—, throughout 2020 you will be able to enjoy wonders such as SavageBeauty, the epic installation of 5 kilometers long with which the Finnish artist Kari Kola is going to illuminate the night landscape of Connemara in green. Kola, who has already intervened in the past in enclaves as mythical as Stonehenge itself, inaugurates his project on Saint Patrick's Day —March 17, of course—, although it will continue for four consecutive days.

The Druid, one of the most charismatic and authentic theaters in the city, launches with an ambitious proposal: Druid: The Galway Tour or, in other words, the plan of tour County Galway for four months stopping in small towns and villages to take those Irish works of the last century to the last corner of the region.

These immense mirror structures will occupy two strategic places

These immense mirror structures will occupy two strategic locations

Cellissimo , meanwhile, will concentrate in the city to the most renowned cellists in the world in a festival that will include big Five Concerts, one of them in homage to Beethoven and to the 250th anniversary of his birth.

There are also super innovative art projects like mirror pavilion , the huge mirror structures that the Irish John Gerrard is going to install in two strategic places: in the historic seaside district of Claddagh, in Galway; and in the spectacular landscape of Derrigimlagh Bog, in Connemara . Also new is Project Baa Baa , a unique program that will celebrate the cultural, economic and environmental contribution of sheep to Ireland and Europe.

Sruth na Teanga , for its part, will allow a deep immersion in the history of Gaelic through the creation of five worlds that will include music, video, puppet theater or live performances. The most curious? The place chosen to do it: the terminal of the old Carnmore Airport, permanently closed since 2016.

Plus? Yes much more! For example, Beyond the End of the Road , who will tour the villages and small towns of East Galway in search of the stories of the local people to later act them out by actors and musicians during the Shorelines Arts Festival in September.

This project celebrates the cultural economic and environmental contribution of sheep to Ireland

This project will celebrate the cultural, economic and environmental contribution of sheep to Ireland

Imagination and originality draw on another key element in Galway, the weather —225 days of rain a year, so you understand us—, to shape Hope it Rains , a project that has placed different facilities and games throughout the city and that will only be enjoyable on rainy days. The intention? Help everyone love the typical climate of the area and make it part of our lives. In short, as the Irish say: “there is no bad weather, only a bad coat”.

Also part of their lives, by the way, is the Corrib, the river that runs through the city of Galway and that, say its inhabitants, it is one of the bravest in Europe: the force and speed with which its waters run is something that greatly impacts and, as a consequence, a black mark when it comes to suicides. So precisely he will be the protagonist of wires crossed , project that encompasses everything a circus festival that will take over the surrounding streets with exhibitions, shows and tightrope walking workshops, and that will culminate with great artists in this art crossing the river as a symbol of hope and solidarity.

And we could go on and on counting proposals. Those that, together with the festivals and cultural shows that already give the city an atmosphere every year, shape the more than a thousand projects that Galway 2020 encompasses. A year as intense as it is interesting has just started: 365 days in which to enjoy ART, in capital letters.


Yes, because we have already said actively and passively that this Irish city stands out for its commitment to the arts. And it does it in all its versions. So what else can we do?

This facility will only be enjoyable on rainy days.

This installation will only be enjoyable during rainy days

Well, visit its museums such as, for example, the Galway City Museum , where you can learn everything about the history of the city; either The Claddagh Ring Museum , in which to meet origin and curiosities about one of the most peculiar rings in the world: two hands and a heart that are an absolute symbol, not only of Galway, but of all of Ireland.

Also leave time to visit some of its art galleries, such as the Galway Arts Center , which always has wonderful temporary exhibitions of contemporary art; or the 126 Artists-Run Gallery & Studios , a platform that accommodates, in an original space, new artists through the selfless work of its volunteers.

The live music , of course, find the ideal place to be enjoyed in the Shop Street and West End pubs What The King's Head, The Crane, Monroe's or the legendary Tig Coili.

For him theater , Galway has three different rooms, although we are left with the Druid, the first professional theater company founded outside of Dublin (born in 1975), and whose space, in the heart of Galway, is most peculiar.

And more, much more. Because you don't have to stop walk, talk with its people, drink the odd pint and lick your lips enjoying some feet or some fish and chips. You have to walk through Salthill while admiring the beautiful Galway Bay and enter the wonderful Connemara, stand up to the wind on the Cliffs of Moher and photograph ad nauseam its incredible natural settings.

Because all of this, after all, is also an important part of the culture that Galway celebrates this year in style. And we want to meet her.

The stories of local people are the stars of this project

The stories of local people are the stars of this project

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