They create a headset that makes real-time translation possible


Your chances of getting along with the rest of the world have just multiplied

Your chances of getting along with the rest of the world have just multiplied

The media do nothing but compare it to the Star Trek Universal Translator , a device that allowed to understand any living bug, came from the planet that came. The earthling translator, however, will only have at first English, French, Italian and Spanish , although the company plans to expand the list of languages ​​to be able to understand East Asians, Indians, Arabs, Slavs, Semites, and Africans . It will be more or less like this:

For now, the conversation can only take place between two people at the same time , and both will necessarily have to wear headphones -which also function as normal headphones to listen to music- and have both mobiles with the app and the desired languages ​​installed. Thus, the sound comes directly from the headset, but it is the mobile that provides the "brain" to the matter. However, it is expected that in the future who wears it can hear everything that happens around, although Waverly Labs warns that accents too strong might not be understood by the device.

Despite this inconvenience, which can surely be fixed over time if everything goes as expected, the headset could change the way we travel. Can you imagine being able to communicate with the same fluency as in your language with a Thai? Or even with a member of an African tribe ? (yes, it would have to be in the language common to your country, since only the most widespread dialects will be installed) .

If you want to be one of the first to test this little technological miracle, Reserve your pair on the company's website. On May 25, they will also launch a campaign on the Indiegogo crowdfunding platform where you can buy it for a price of between 90 and 125 dollars, but they hope to sell it to the final public for around 300, So, if you are an early adopter -and you also want to save a few euros- don't miss out!

An intimate look at the translator headset

An intimate look at the headset-translator

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