Holiday notebooks for adults with which to feel like a child again


Vacation notebooks for adults

Photo by Paco Vaca on Unsplash.

Go back to spend the holidays in the village , change the plane for the car and take advantage of the excuse to enjoy and rediscover Spain or reunite with that family and friends you haven't seen for months. The reason why both summer both the past and the present seem incredibly familiar to you, it is because, saving the obvious distances, in some way you have already lived them.

And if in the two most atypical summers that are remembered all the roads take you to the holidays of your childhood and youth you know as well as we do that the experience would not be complete without that little martyrdom that was the holiday notebooks , now converted into an original form of entertainment. We collect the best for adults; let nothing stop you from enjoying a summer like before!


Blackie Books publishes what has been known for a decade as "the Santillana Vacation for adults". The contestant of the program Saber y Ganar Daniel López Valle signs the word search puzzles, the logic games and the crossword puzzles, among other pastimes, that make up this holiday notebook for adults that this year he celebrates his tenth birthday, and to those accompanying illustrations by Cristóbal Fortúnez. As a result, 150 exercises to put your brain to work or some 120 hours of old-fashioned entertainment.

Vacation Notebook for Adults Blackie Books

Blackie Books.

Vacation Notebook for Adults Blackie Books


Devouring books is not the only summer entertainment for literature lovers . stimulate your memory holidays testing your literary knowledge is the idea of ​​this hobby notebook that puts at your disposal a large number of enigmas that range from completing literary quotes to searching for characters in word search puzzles. All of them are designed to spend between 5 and 20 minutes.

Vacation notebooks for adults

Vacation notebooks for adults

Vacation notebooks for adults


The investigative journalist Candela Fuertes is locked in a labyrinth and in order to find the way out and be able to make known to the world the secret plans of the businessman Anastas Vecla and the Wanstein Club, she needs to solve a series of riddles, puzzles and anagrams. It is at this point where the owner of the book enters the scene. Time? 60 minutes.

vacation notebook for adults escape book

Escape Book


With the Rubio publishing house we learned everything from improving our calligraphy to reinforcing mathematics before starting the new course. His proposals for adults have, in essence, the same intention. For example, his Adult Problems series is made up of two booklets—Memory and Concentration and Calculus and Logic.

Vacation notebooks for adults

Vacation notebooks for adults

Vacation notebooks for adults


Having fun solving some of the mysteries of humanity is the goal of this hobby book turned into the best vacation notebook for history lovers.

holiday notebook for adults 25 riddles with history

Zahorí Books.

25 story puzzles


The duo Amigos Ingleses has decided that this is the summer to brush up on your English with their book Born to Speak British. In it you will find resources to improve your pronunciation, review grammar, learn some of the most common expressions among native speakers and polish those mistakes that are much more common than you think.

Vacation notebooks for adults

Vacation notebooks for adults

Vacation notebooks for adults


If you have been thinking about getting started in the art of lettering for some time, we can think of few better moments than Summer Vacation . The publisher mtm editores has launched a guide to get you started in creative calligraphy, starting with the basics of each letter and ending with the different types of letters within your reach.

Vacation notebooks for adults

Vacation notebooks for adults

Vacation notebooks for adults


That this summer not going to travel as much as you would like does not mean that you cannot visit some of the most fabulous cities in the world. Illustrator Steve McDonald has created a coloring book which includes such popular destinations as New York, Amsterdam, Paris or Melbourne, as well as imaginary places, drawn up in a mandala format and inspired by different urban landscapes. The best pastime for creative travelers.

Vacation notebooks for adults

Vacation notebooks for adults

Vacation notebooks for adults


How many times have you dreamed of creating your own comic? This book makes it a little easier for you thanks to a collection of blank vignettes. You just need to take out the pencil, let your imagination flow and start drawing.

The best vacation notebooks for adults

The best vacation notebooks for adults

The best vacation notebooks for adults

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