Carlo Cracco's recipe: saffron risotto


Carlo Cracco-style saffron risotto

Carlo Cracco-style saffron risotto

A few steps from Doumo, the Ristorante Cracco _(via Victor Hugo, 4; Milano) _ receives us. Minimalist, without fanfare, here the dance of colors is on the plate: from a caramelized salad biscuit to its marinated egg yolk with a light Parmesan cheese fondue. This is their risotto:

One of the most influential chefs in Italy Carlo Cracco

One of the most influential chefs in Italy: Carlo Cracco


Ingredients for four people:

- 240 grams of Carnaroli del Pavese rice

- 100 grams of butter

- 1 minced shallot

- Half a glass of white wine

- 40 grams of Parmesan Reggiano

- 2 grams of saffron in pistils

- Salt

- Pepper

- 10 grams of cocoa beans


1. In a saucepan, sauté the shallot with the forty grams of butter.

two. Add the rice, brown it slightly and mix it with the white wine.

3. Add the saffron and let the broth boil little by little.

Four. Cook for about fifteen/seventeen minutes, remove from heat and let rest for a minute.

5. Then add the rest of the butter and cheese.

6. Season with salt and pepper.

7. Serve the risotto in a bowl and decorate with a sprinkle of finely ground cocoa beans.

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Via Victor Hugo 4

Carlo Cracco awaits you in via Victor Hugo, 4 (Milan)

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