Rediscovering Spain, the country where we all want to live


Vineyards of the Ribeira Sacra

Vineyards of the Ribeira Sacra (Galicia)

Have you ever dreamed of living near the sea? On our coast, life tastes of salt... and sun, and we have more than eight thousand kilometers of beaches where to make it possible. This is just the beginning of a long list of opportunities because, what more can you ask of a destination that has everything ? This has been shown by participants of the contest that the brand has carried out on Instagram , and where it has been the citizens themselves who have helped to discover, precisely, our Hidden Country.

And it is that Spain It is like that eternal journey that we always want to carry out. A country with a huge cultural diversity, infinite landscapes and a gastronomy to lick your fingers , as has been shown the hidden country , the campaign that Samsung has been carried out to publicize the country in which we live. Through a contest held in Instagram , the brand encouraged us to share our hidden and favorite corner (or corners) of our geography. The result? A map in which Samsung has collected all these images, helping to publicize unique, special or unprecedented places of our geography, more or less known… until now.

We are the country of party , but also from the nap . We are the summer it seems never end . Impossible? Here that does not exist. To check it you just have to travel to Barcelona, Valencia, Malaga, Majorca or even the very Canary Islands (or look at the photographs that users have shared of them), where the star practically looks 365 days of the year , but the temperatures are mild and the breeze is soft. Now that's luck. Like the Madrid , which has just been recognized by the unesco like the first European Urban Cultural Landscape thanks to the exceptional value of Paseo del Prado and El Retiro.

First winning photo: Pantano de Eriste, in the Pyrenees of Aragon and on the banks of the Esera River.

The Hidden Country proves that Spain is a country to live , as they also did throughout our thousands of centuries of history Byzantines, phoenicians, moriscos, romans, Muslims, celts and some more; Spain has forged character based on a history that it has not only managed to preserve, but also become something unique in the world . An example of all this are the incomparable jewels of the architecture that speak of a country where the great civilizations of history have risen, have fallen, and have left their mark on us forever. The Aqueduct of Segovia , its Alcazar , the Alhambra of Granada , the basilica of the Holy Family. Seville, Salamanca, Toledo or the very Round , a place where you can almost touch the sky with your hands. And this is just the beginning of an infinite legacy to discover that Samsung becomes the true protagonist with the objective of his campaign: "stop and observe our historical-cultural heritage and our places with detail, watch out Y sharpness , like we haven't done before, and capture all those incredible places, moments and customs that we have."

Second winning photo: Echentive Beach, in Las Palmas de Gran Canarias.

And it is that as if it were a movie, Spain has infinite frames from north to south and from east to west full of cities full of life , hidden corners, amazing landscapes and unique towns. You just need to visit Cadaques, Tabarca, Cudillero either walls , in Galicia , to realize the overwhelming historical and artistic heritage a small size that fits in this handful of unique corners. It is the meaning, the sensitivity and the beauty of this epic land, of this stereotype come true that we have the good fortune to call our house . Because, what would Spain be without its people?

Third winning photo: The Dragon of the Calderona, in the Sierra de Calderona in Valencia.

We are family. A unique model that, with its lights and shadows, differs from the rest of the world's citizens because passion, sophistication and love for life, the good life, is something innate in whom we had the great fortune to be born here. Nothing can go wrong in a place where the covers, the wine either Party are a lifestyle with infinite attractions, such as gastronomy . Because of its false simplicity, its variety, its traditional recipe book, and its innate will to experiment , Spain is a culinary party and it is well demonstrated by its crowded pubs or its sophisticated Michelin star restaurants, 234 to be exact And with a long waiting list. Here success is cooked slowly, but surely.

Fourth winning photo: Episcopal Palace of Astorga.

We know that Spain is a high country, but at ground level, the show does not stop . Places like Sierra Nevada , rising improbably from the sunny plains of Andalusia , or as the wild cliffs of the northwest atlantic , which are compensated by the charming, soft and sinuous Mediterranean coves . In Spain, towns of timeless beauty they perch on hilltops, huddle in valleys, and cling to coastal outcrops. They are other of the charms of the country, like those that have been able to capture so well, not only the winners, but also the rest of the participants of the hidden country . [#instagram: ]

Fifth winning photo: Cerrá de Urrácal, in Almería

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