Suites with name and surname


Suites with name and surname

Chanel Suite at the Ritz Hotel in Paris

Chanel Suite ( Ritz-Paris ) : the good of Gabrielle (aka Coco) chanell lived two steps from Ritz , but she liked to take refuge in that absolute symbol of luxury. For this reason, the hotel (now in the process of resurrection) has dedicated the corresponding suite to her. In it is the whole universe of this woman: the Baroque , it esoteric , it French , the uncontested chic , the Prayed and the black Y Mirrors . She contains everything that is expected from the confluence, or better, the clash of titans What are these two myths: Chanel and the Ritz. Oh, and Paris.

Greta Garco Suite ( Radisson Blu Strand-Stockholm ) : already had one in Pear Palace Hotel from Istanbul but needed one in Sweden . It was a matter of poetic justice. 'The divine' , the diva among divas, the mystery woman, the woman who was slow to laugh but when she laughed she shook the world , she already has her own suite in the Stockholm Radisson Blu Strand . She frequented this hotel before she was polished by the studies of Hollywood and her family continues to do so. For die-hard fetishists.

Suites with name and surname

The Greta Garbo Suite at the Radisson Blu Strand in Stockholm

Liam Neeson Suite ( Fitzpatrick Grand Central-New York ) : don't have to have ten oscars to deserve a suite. The actor Liam Neeson he has his. And with this we do not want to detract from it. He is in the attic Fitzpatrick Grand Central from New York; It has fireplaces, terraces and tremendous views of the skyline of Manhattan . Our research teams have not been able to find out the reason for this hotel tribute to the Irish actor. We keep working on it.

Suite 100-Rolling Stone ( Dolder Grand-Zürich ) : the rolling they sympathized with him Devil , but also for the good hotels. And the Dolder Grand It is one of the best in Europe. It was always a great hotel; in the 60s/70s he lived a sweet time, it was then when these four characters landed there. The Suite, whose real name is Suite 100 (The 100 Club) has the retro-futuristic decoration of the 60s. It has space to live in it several families and all the expected extravagant details.

Suites with name and surname

Suite 100-Rolling Stone at the Dolder Grand-Zürich

Sophia Loren Suite ( MSC Divina cruise ship ) : the maggiorata is not that she has a suite: she has a whole ship inspired by her. The MSC Divine aims to recreate the glamor of a time when cruise ships exuded that, glamour. own sophia loren has participated in the decoration of the suite 16007 . The carpet, the lamps and the color red have been chosen by her. There is also a replica of the table where the diva preens.

Bentley Suite ( St Regis-New York ) : a Seat Panda does not deserve a suite, but a Bentley Yes. And one in a great hotel in a great city and in a great location. This one, dedicated to these big cars that even those who hate cars like, is in the St Regis from New York. The space conveys style, craftsmanship and that 'I do not know what' of unattainable luxury. Huge views, by the way.

Suites with name and surname

The Bentley Suite at the St Regis Hotel in New York

Frank Sinatra Suite ( The Savoy-London ) : that Sinatra He traveled from hotel to hotel and made good use of them and his suites are part of that legend that we like to believe. We do not want to imagine the man of the violet eyes watching TV. we want it with a Dry Martini in hand, doing their thing. In the Savoy from London stayed so many times that an Art Deco-style suite has been dedicated to him. But if we have never been Sinatra , we can choose between the suite of Marlene Dietrich, Noel Coward either Richard Harris . At the Savoy there is a Personality Suite for every mythomaniac.

Suites with name and surname

Dior Suite at the St Regis in New York

Dior Suite ( St Regis-New York ) : crossing the door, one feels 'Alice in Wonderland' . In this case, in the country of Dior, much more elegant. A country gray Dior, with black and white images of Mr. Dior and haute couture sketches where everything oozes parisian chic . It's almost sad to step on the floor and lie on the bed. Of course, with a suite like this, you don't feel like cruising the mundane streets. It doesn't matter, with the view to the Fifth Avenue Already Central Park It's enough.

Suites with name and surname

The Yoko and John Lennon Suite at Montreal's Fairmont Queen Elizabeth

Yoko and John Lennon Suite ( Fairmont Queen Elizabeth-Montreal ) : here they were, without moving and, above all, in a horizontal position, Yoko Ono Y John Lennon for a week. It was one of the two bed ins What did they do to protest the Vietnam War . The other was at the Amsterdam Hilton. The two hotels have made the most of these two moments. Both maintain their suites, they have been given ad hoc names and the world's mythomaniacs can reserve them. The Fairmont suite, bourgeois, quiet, has a view of everything Montréal and today it is a mecca for everyone who knows the lyrics of imagine word by word.

John Wayne Suite ( The Raffles-Singapore ) : lovers of western and of the hard men: this is your suite. It's in the singapore raffles , a hotel that is a national jewel. They have probably passed through it all the stars that we know The American actor was one of them. So much so that the hotel has dedicated one of its suites to him. Like the rest of the hotel's Personality Suites, it has four rooms, oriental rugs and a 24-hour butler . If the idea that the spirit of John Wayne fly over our room is not very attractive, you can choose other suites like the one in Pablo Neruda, Somerset Maugham either Ava Gardner.

Suites with name and surname

The Tiffany Suite at the St Regis Hotel in New York

Tiffany Suite ( St Regis-New York ) : the wet dream of any crazy about him world Tiffany. In this suite, also from St Regis of New York, the colors and air of classic American value of the house abound. It has been designed with Tiffany Design Director Emeritus, John Loring and, of course, there is a lot of blue color. tiffany blue . In two steps, Fifth Avenue , there is the original store, in case someone is tempted to want to take something from the suite.

Cary Grant Suite ( The Warwick-New York ) : the Men , with a very large capital letter, has his suite. It doesn't do justice to myth , we have to say, but it works for mythomaniacs. In addition, reality prevails: the actor lived in this suite for twelve years . It's huge, it has two ditto bathrooms and views of Central Park . At that time to Mr Grant He must have had time to organize more than one party and he had it easy without leaving home. The suite has capacity for 50 people. Always Wise Cary Grant.

Suites with name and surname

Loewe Suite at the Son Vida hotel in Majorca

Loewe Suite ( Son Vida-Mallorca ) : It has been quietly for many years. He is in one of the big hotels on the island of Majorca . It's quiet but luxurious, just like the brand. in it there is important blankets to snuggle up, original Carvajal chairs, house amenities and lots of leather. It is a suite in which there is much to play . And you have views of Mediterranean.

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