The drama of plugs in hotels (and how to try to avoid it)


The drama of plugs in hotels

The drama of plugs in hotels

"I tie my shoes and unhappiness," Cortázar wrote. Or something like that. Unhappiness lurks behind the little things . Traumas and dramas hide behind the big ones, but unhappiness, authentic and inexplicable unhappiness, is the heritage of small things: dirty shoes on the subway, from a past pasta dish or a missing plug.

Plugs. They are small and ugly gadgets but capable of controlling our mood. It depends on the plug whether we charge the mobile to receive (or not) that WhatsApp that we expect (and in the end we will end up writing ourselves), that we can deliver texts like this on time and that we dry our hair and do not look like abandoned puppies.

Here are five hotel-plug situations that can drive us crazy. They take us out


In the EBM (Era of the Waning Battery) we live in this is a no-brainer. We need them in handfuls. And we don't ask for one every ten meters of aisle because that's gluttony. Well, yes, we ask.


As bad as scarcity is the lack of an eye . Why do I want ten sockets attached to that lamp that I am not going to turn on by the window and none on the work table that I am going to have to be chained to?


Sometimes you want to call Sherlock (ideally in Cumberbatch version) to find out where the hell they put the plug. They are usually behind a heavy bed . In that case, you have to call someone who does crossfit (or maybe Cumberbatch can) so that he moves it and we can plug in whatever has to be plugged in.


Sometimes the responsibility lies with the hotel and sometimes not. Our ethnocentrism pushes us to think that the whole world is plugged in with two little round holes. Big mistake. Since we are so traveled: why don't we keep all the adapters that we have been collecting/stealing/buying of all our trips? They do not occupy and we will not have to beg at reception for one of them. Nor go out to Radio Shack to pay for one what a sable coat . There are times that we would sell our dear mother for an adapter.


There are people who are aware of the EE (Socket Shortage) who travel with her, but I think that work should be left to the hoteliers. We didn't bring the dishwasher to a friend's house for dinner. Well, that: what do they think? In addition, a station of those occupies what a pair of shoes. Although those shoes are going to be left over if We cannot read that WhatsApp that we are waiting for because our mobile phone has no battery.

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