The six unrepeatable nougat that you will eat this 2019


Original nougat for this Christmas Original nougat for this Christmas

Original nougats for this Christmas

One more time the great pastry chefs They get to work at Christmas to materialize their imagination in collaboration with the nougat houses. This year we are going to eat some nougat that will not leave anyone indifferent. We tell you the news:


We find the collaboration that the great confectioner wanted to do Albert Adria for the ** Vicens nougat house ** (which has been 1775 making some of the best nougat in Spain).

The premises of Vicens have overflowed with crazy gourmands claiming this nougat recreated from a chocolate ganache and the spicy Inedit beer, from the Estrella Damm house.

But it is not the only novelty: they have also produced their version of the tiramisu nougat that, along with coconut crunch and a super spicy nougat , this year have become the most innovative.


the houses of Xixona They never stop reinventing themselves year after year. In this case, the ones that have taken another twist have been the ** Hijos de Manuel Picó **, another of the family businesses that come making nougat since the 18th century.

His bet for 2019 has been a romance with saffron D.O. the stain , one of the treasures of our gastronomy that when it appears in the sweet it brings us head. The result is ** a nougat with a very peculiar flavour, ** the pure essence of the Mediterranean, and very different from what we have tried so far. Outstanding.


The Oreo-type cookie and all its variants have given rise to all kinds of inventions, from oreo churros, even fondant or Custard with this flavor. To make the jump to industrial nougat , it was almost to be expected that it would come from the hand of that brand of chocolate nougat that managed, by mixing chocolate and puffed rice, to capture all the attention of children since its appearance in 1960, Suchard .

Really, this chocolate factory that was born back in 1826 , is more focused on doing chocolates that nougats , and has released this chocolate nougat with Oreo cookies . And it has become a must this Christmas.


In the year 2011, the same house Children of Manuel Pico , revolutionized the Turronian scene that Christmas by bringing out ** Turrodelia **, a line of spreadable nougats that left half of Spain speechless.

The graces of “nougat sandwich” have given way in these years to the evolution of the nougat spreads , who are increasingly immersed in haute cuisine. In fact, it is very normal in this 2019 to find in the Christmas Eve or New Year's Eve menus of the great luxury hotels nougat spread with foie , already become a classic.

Today, they can be found in any supermarket.

Turrodelia nougat spreads from Hijos de Mauel Picó

Turrodelia, spreadable nougat from Hijos de Mauel Picó


Possibly he is the wtf most cheered this Christmas. the pastry chef Christian Escribá has decided this year to collaborate with the matutano company to get a 70% chocolate nougat where the almonds have come out to dance on the floor with Lay's Gourmet chips.

Although more than one will think of making a pairing with a beer (jokes aside) the flavor of this nougat is marked by a subtle contrast of sweet and salty . Of course, to get hold of these nougat you have to go to Barcelona and ask in one of its three stores.

French fries nougat made by Christian Escrib and Lays Gourmet

French fries nougat, made by Christian Escribá and Lays Gourmet


And not one or two, but three; the three Michelin stars of the restaurant ** ABaC ,** run by the television jordi cruz . The chef from Manresa has made himself available to the house of ** Virginias nougat ** to prepare his most innovative bet in 2019: an aerated chocolate nougat with salted almonds and caramelized honey , an experience for chocolate lovers who will be surprised by a small dose of salty rock & roll.

This Christmas wonder comes at a time when the Virginia house is almost r saved from extinction and he has decided ** to open a workshop in the town of Agramunt (Lleida) ** where you can make pairings and tastings of his nougats and chocolates.

The Virginias workshop opened its doors last October and has become a very peculiar gastronomic phenomenon.


Of course, you can't miss the two traditional nougats: the hard one (from Alicante) or the soft one (from Jijona). The key to buying a good nougat is always look for top quality product , preferably covered by the Denomination of Origin or with its craft seal.

In Spain, very good nougat is made in Alicante, but also in Aragon, Catalonia and Madrid. Go to centennial establishments such as house look is to discover the importance that they have craftsmanship and product care , keys to discover flavors on the palate that have been taking us to the skies for centuries.

And to close this sweet walk, a curiosity: the nougat 1880 It is not "the most expensive nougat in the world", but it is one of the oldest nougat houses in Spain . With The wolf , this nougat has been made nothing more and nothing less than since the year 1725 . It will not be the most expensive but it will be the oldest.

French fries nougat made by Christian Escrib and Lays Gourmet

French fries nougat, made by Christian Escribá and Lays Gourmet

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