DeCUATRO STORE: are we looking at the best bagels in Madrid?



DeCUATRO STORE: ode to the bagel

** Churros with chocolate, eggs with bacon **, croissant with butter and jam, toast with olive oil, milk with cereals...

Whether you are sweet or savory, have a lot of time or little, and more or less appetite, there are breakfasts for all tastes. And in Madrid it is easy to find many places where they prepare delicacies that, when you close your eyes, transport you to Paris, London or even to our own childhood.

Now, you may have said more than once: "Right now I'd eat a New York bagel," stuffed with cream cheese... or better, with salmon and avocado, or all together!

And this is no longer so easy to find... until now. Located on Calle Ríos Rosas, ** DeCUATROSTORE ** has just opened its first cafeteria, where you can enjoy what many consider to be the best bagels in the capital.

Have breakfast, snack or why not, eat, as if you were in the Big Apple without leaving Chamberí it's already possible.


Roast beef bagel with arugula, parmesan and cucumber sauce


After a decade in the world of catering and events, Alvaro Piedrola Nadal and Rafael Giron Guijarro , founders of DECUATRO CATERING , decided to take the leap to the street by opening their own cafeteria: DECUATRO STORE.

“Luckily for both of us, after ten years We have managed to balance our entrepreneurial impulses with what our clients demand of us... so we wait for the right moment to launch ourselves to create a leg to the business with which we have always felt very comfortable”, Álvaro and Rafael tell

“Gastronomy retail is always attractive, we had the product, we had the design, we knew what our customers wanted and we just found the perfect location!” they continue.


A corner of the most New York in the heart of Chamberí


Why the bagel? “It was he who found us on one of our trips to New York. We love to try new things and eat in different places”, they tell

Bread is one of Álvaro and Rafael's passions, "and also, the entire culture of American foodtrucks and take aways has always caught our attention... When we tried the bagels there, we decided to bring them and as far as possible adapt them to the taste of Madrid” They continue explaining.

“It is a recipe that we knead daily and that we tested a lot until we found the formula… if you try it, you are lost!”, they warn – rightly so.

The secret of their bagels? “If we tell you, we would have to kill you later!” they joke. “No kidding, we use the original original Polish bagel recipe”, that is, that donut-shaped roll, originating from the Ashkenazi Jewish tradition of Poland, which came to America through the emigration of European and Jewish citizens, and which can be eaten alone or stuffed.

“The American version is stiffer in bark and smaller in size. Ours ferments twice, one post-kneading and the other pre-baking” They keep telling us. In addition, they use ecologically processed flours, 100% natural yeasts and ingredients and no type of additive or preservative.

“As we say, super natural, and as soon as you take the first bite you notice it. We are extremely lucky to have a workshop working at 200% daily and from there comes both the production of the Catering and the fresh products of the cafeteria”, they comment.


No one is bitter about a cookie... or several!


“Some of the bagels that customers demand the most are smoked salmon (with cucumber, lamb's lettuce, cream cheese, dill and avocado) and roast beef (with arugula, parmesan and cucumber sauce), he tells us Ainhoa ​​Alonso, in charge of DeCUATRO STORE.

Yes indeed, " the star is undoubtedly the pastrami and scamorza bagel" –Álvaro and Rafael tell us– , which also comes with pickle, spinach and red onion.

“As we told you, the bagel is homemade, kneaded and baked daily, pastrami and scamorza, an incredible combination of smoked italian products is simple spectacular ”, tell us the founders of DeCUATRO.

And they continue: “Besides, scamorza cheese has a creamy and smooth texture that once it goes through the plate is irresistible, that's why we sell so many! it's delicious!".


Homemade bagels, to take or to go

Other options on the bagel menu are the classic truffled mortadella with Edam cheese or cheddar chicken with mustard , mayonnaise, caramelized onion, spinach and tomato; all of them accompanied by potatoes, of course.

What bagel would you recommend to an American to leave him speechless? “Without a doubt, the pastrami one. Fortunately A lot of the American public comes, students and professionals who as soon as they read the word bagel, out of nostalgia rush to enter. And they come out putting them through the roof, they have even told us that they are better than theirs!”, they say enthusiastically.

What about someone who has never heard the word bagel? “To get started on this new gastronomic drug, I would tell you to try the roasted chicken one, It is there to put a street on it!”, they point out.


You can also have them on the terrace!


There are many of us who would have bagels for breakfast every day, but if you feel like some delicious toast, a sandwich, a salad or even something sweet You don't have to leave DeCUATRO STORE!

In his letter we also find gourmet sandwiches, ranging from the traditional Mixed to the Club through the Croque Monsieur (based on ham, cheese and bechamel).

“The king sandwich in our showcase is the X3 , like the car!, are three floors with truffled mortadella, roasted turkey, two types of cheese... in short, a nonsense for any diet… but irresistible”, say Álvaro and Rafael.

Your favorite on the menu? “This is difficult, really, but I think we jumped for the X3… It is our right eye! Though a lot of people come for the avocado toast , the bread we use is a special cereal ciabatta bread and it is delicious!”


For dessert? A "bit" of carrot cake

Don't miss the seasonal salads either: “in this sense we vary a lot, we want our customers to always have an excuse to come back: we have a Caesar salad, a lentil and tuna salad.... and the queen of salads, the one with Genovese pesto (homemade, of course) and bacon”.

Also, They have two types of poke, the one with noodles and teriyaki chicken and the one with salmon with rice and mango oh! And there are eggs benedictine too!

From DeCUATRO they tell us that the menu will change with the season: “We vary the ingredients, as well as the cakes and biscuits. Now that autumn begins, we have a pumpkin and carrot cake that is driving people crazy, just like the homemade American cinnamon roll”, they tell us.


Snack time!


In their menu we find a most appetizing section in which they offer several combos for both breakfast and lunch.

As for breakfasts, we can opt for the #BREAKFASTHALLUCINANCE (with coffee, juice and toast for €3.50) or the #BREAKFASTSEXYLEZA (coffee, juice and cake for €5) .

If you go to eat, two other options: the #ECONOMIC LUNCH (which includes a drink, sandwich and coffee or dessert for €9.50) or the #LUNCHELMUYTOP (drink, salad, sandwich and coffee or dessert for €12.50).


They use the original original Polish bagel recipe


In the premises, which used to be a hardware store on two levels, you can breathe a New York atmosphere mixed with the irresistible aroma of freshly made bagels.

**The interior design and the project have been in charge of Eleonce Arquitectura & Interiorismo **, the studio with which they always work in DeCUATRO: “they proposed us a clean and welcoming aesthetic, very New York. We love the atmosphere that has been created, natural woods, neutral colors... they make you have a super comfortable breakfast”, they comment.


The interior design is the work of Eleonce Arquitectura

DeCUATRO STORE thus becomes the company's showcase, with a lobby where customers are received at the counter exposing the product and a mezzanine with a table area with a bench and upholstered chairs , and a wide low bar where you can work, read or simply enjoy a good conversation with a bagel and coffee flavor.

Also, everything can be ordered to go , thus being able to enjoy a rich meal, based on homemade products and contributing to the environment, since all packaging is ecofriendly.

We have a new favorite coffee shop in Madrid friends: Don't worry, be bagel!


well that

Address: Calle de Ríos Rosas, 16, 28003 Madrid See map

Telephone: 91 535 63 65

Schedule: From Monday to Friday from 8:30 a.m. to 9:30 p.m. Saturdays and Sundays from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m.

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