Vending machines distribute stories at stations in France


Vending machines distribute stories at stations in France

Reading and its power to make us travel

After a pilot test in Grenoble (East), six months deployed in some stations in the country and 100,000 stories distributed, the Distributeurs d'Histoires Courtes are already in 24 French 'gares'. By the end of the year, they are expected to reach a total of 35, they explain on the SNCF (Société Nationale des Chemins de fer Français) website. You can see all the stations in which they are available through this link.

The procedure is simple. Each machine has three buttons that refer to the reading time of the stories: 1, 3 or 5 minutes. The user chooses the duration of the story based on the waiting time until the arrival of his train . With a simple click, a piece of paper with an author's text appears. The stories span all genres.

Vending machines distribute stories at stations in France

Map of the French stations with story dealers

The Distributeur d'Histoires Courtes is an initiative of Short Edition, a publisher focused on short stories that with this project aspires to promote reading and writing, wants to bring this type of literature to a larger public and make its authors known. They expect these distributors to proliferate throughout the world. for now, they have already managed to go abroad thanks to Francis Ford Coppola, who has installed a machine in his Cafe Zoetrope in San Francisco.

Vending machines distribute stories at stations in France

Distributor of Stories in a French shopping center

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