These were the most visited cities in the world in 2017


Hong Kong the top 1 of the most visited cities in the world

Hong Kong, the top 1 of the most visited cities in the world

2017 was once again the year of Hong Kong. This Chinese city repeats as the most visited city in the world and remains at the top of a ranking dominated by asian destinations, despite having received 3% fewer visitors than in 2016 (25,695,800 vs. 26,552,000) .

The data is not ours, but the Top 100 City Destinations Ranking , the report carried out annually by Euromonitor International .

The analysis of this company specializing in large-scale market research celebrates 10 years shedding light on the evolution of tourism in the world and the trends that are yet to come.

To develop this classification, we have used data collected from 100 countries on the number of international arrivals to a city , understanding by this the visitors from outside who spent 24 hours or more in a city.

The information was collected during 2017, until the month of September, projecting with it forecasts for the remainder of the year.

The results show data with hardly any variations compared to 2016 with a TOP 10 completed in this order by ** Bangkok, London, Singapore, Macao, Dubai, Paris, New York, Shenzhen and Kuala Lumpur.**

And in Europe? The old continent remains unchanged in the first two positions with London increasing the percentage of arrivals by 3.4%, up to 19,842,000 visitors ; Y Paris, falling 0.9% to 14,263,000 travelers , something that has not prevented him from maintaining second place.

Spain is represented only by Barcelona, in sixth place with 7,624,000 visitors.

They complete the European classification ** Rome (3), Istanbul (4), Prague (5), Milan (7), Amsterdam (8), Antalya (9) and Vienna (10).**

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