This is the best wedding photographer in Spain of 2019


Who does this bride remind you of?

Who does this bride remind you of?

The Unionwep Awards, given out by the official wedding photographers guild, have spoken. We already know to whom we should entrust our wedding photographs in the event that we get married this 2019.

Burgos photographer Daniel Alonso, owner of People Producciones, has won the 'Award for Best Spanish Photographer of 2019', and also with the award in the category ‘The Best Told Wedding’.

“I have always considered myself a frustrated film director and screenwriter. I studied for it and after a couple of years working in the press I decided to open my own company. My first contact with weddings was during these years. Initially it was to diversify, but I quickly found a space to be able to feed that narrator part and creator of cinematographic images that I longed for so much in my early years”, Daniel tells

One of the brides portrayed by Daniel.

One of the brides portrayed by Daniel.

Since 2007, together with his partner Gloria, the other half of People Producciones, he has focused on photographing 400 couples from Spain and all over the world, from Iceland to the United States.

For this he has had high-ranking references such as 'Game of Thrones' or Wes Anderson in 'Moonrise Kingdom'. We will also find certain reasonable resemblances with Shyamalan in 'The Forest' , as well as 'Before dawn' , epic romantic drama where they exist.

The most important thing of all is the story behind each couple. That is what moves us. We feel lucky because we are present on one of the most extraordinary days of people's lives. And they will remember it through the way we look at them,” he adds.

for the contest of unionwep They submitted a total of **eight different photos and one video**. As he could not enter the category of 'Revelation Photographer', because he had already won it in 2014, he entered the category of 'Best Photographer ' Y 'Best Told Wedding' . And he won both.

“For the category of best photographer we present eight photographs of different moments of a wedding: preparations, ceremony, celebration and couple report . Of the eight that we presented, six were selected and scored from 0 to 10”, he explains.

Movie weddings.

Movie weddings.

The contest asked them to follow three essential rules: light, composition and emotion. “Emotion is something vital for us. We understand that weddings, beyond aesthetics, are emotions . In a short space of time, we have all kinds of emotions and people often show themselves as they really are.”

For the category of 'Best Narrated Wedding' they presented Blanca and Alberto's wedding, a beautiful love story in which the series friends it had been essential. For this reason, they decided to make a video in which both stories: that of Blanca and Alberto, and that of Monica and Chandler , are interspersed.

The result had a prize, how could it be otherwise. “It has been an immense joy and a shot of motivation for being an award given by the colleagues of the guild. In addition to the visibility it can give, it is a confidence booster to continue believing in counting weddings the way we do ”.

Blanca & Alberto {The Wedding Day} Sub. English from People Truelove Tellers on Vimeo .

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