Risks and drawbacks of staying in a hostel after 30


freehand miami

Risks and drawbacks of staying in a hostel after 30

It's what you have to get older, you get bourgeois and suddenly you prefer comfort to adventure (although there are always exceptions).

- You do not realize that you like order until you get into a room shared by 20 people.

- Who talks about order, talks about hygiene - Has anyone seen a brush or a mop? -.

- Brushes and mops no, but bath towels as many as you want . The rooms look like a corrala patio with overflowing clotheslines.

- And the suitcase, where do you leave it? On the floor, next to your bed, to have it at hand whenever you need it. Until you bump into her every time you get in and out of the bunk and decide to put her in the locker. And that's when you realize that because you don't have to take it out and keep it every time you need something, you would pay money.

Those strange places to spend the night

Those strange places to spend the night

- Yeah, that's cool, that all of us as children have wanted to sleep in bunk beds all the time . But there is nothing more than trying to get on one after 30 to finish in a second with all the romance and good memories we had.

- More if it touches you in the highest bed -imagine one of three or four heights-. Just thinking that you have to climb up there, exhausts.

- If you get downstairs too, because you run the risk of your upstairs neighbor stepping on you thinking you're one more step of your ladder to climb to your bed.

- Not to mention getting up to go to the bathroom, especially if you're one of those who wake up several times at night with ganitas. total laziness.

At this point you realize that A flashlight would have been of much more use to you than a third pair of pants..

Brushes and mops not but bath towels as many as you want

Brushes and mops no, but bath towels as many as you want

- Even if you don't want to, and you avoid it with all your will, you are going to make noise, because the gears of the bed make noise only when you look at them; Y at 3 in the morning, more.

- Ahh! but who has left a suitcase on the floor? you don't know, but you almost killed yourself because you didn't count on her when you got off the bunk. Here you remember the flashlight again.

- But you are not the only one who has come without a flashlight. The one who just turned on the light in the room - It's still 3 in the morning -He hasn't brought either. More nice.

- Snoring, poorly oiled bunks, stumbling... all possible noises are accepted . If it's just when everyone sleeps, more.

The locker your best friend

The box office: your best friend

- And what a mania with getting up early. But wasn't this a vacation? Even if you don't want to, you wake up because of others and, since you're there, you get up.

- You do not realize the things you need to go to the shower until you have to locate them in the suitcase and carry them in a single trip. And that's when you start to realize that your toiletry bag occupies a rather interesting part of your suitcase. Yes, you have grown older.

- And you realize that you forgot the flip flops . So you shower with your socks on.

- And after the shower, where do you hang the towel? now you understand about the patio de corrala….

- Do you miss the full-length mirror? to see how the model fits you. although almost better, because if you see the wrinkles in the clothes you just put on, you don't leave the room.

Some UN councils have fewer nationalities

Some UN councils have fewer nationalities

- Some advice from the United Nations meet fewer nationalities than a shared hostel room . In these cases, English is always a good option.

- You will need it at breakfast time, if only to ask how the microwave works or where is the milk.

- The best thing is that when you leave, no matter how much you have cursed the stay, you will only remember the good times lived and you will fall back into a shelter . Despite being 30.

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