This artist makes the most important monuments in the world disappear


This artist makes the most important monuments in the world disappear

The sin Big Ben

Berta Jayo has erased all traces of 14 monuments, among which are the Statue of Liberty, Big Ben, Christ the Redeemer, the Eiffel Tower, the Sagrada Familia and the Tower of Pisa. "I chose the best known so that the idea would better reach the public," the artist explains to Traveler.

This artist makes the most important monuments in the world disappear

The one without Christ the Redeemer

Jayo wants us to reflect on how necessary creation is and its ability to make us not feel so lost. “The power of the creator is so great that he is capable of making a monument that symbolizes an entire city. Without that symbol, it is as if the city does not exist or cannot be referenced”, she reflects.

This artist makes the most important monuments in the world disappear

The sinStatue of Liberty

What's more, when asked if this creation currently receives the attention it deserves and if the construction of the monuments that she has made disappear would have been possible, the artist from Santander is clear: “If the same or other wonders had been created, because the innate creator moves heaven and earth to make his work be represented and because the same work struggles to come out. Starting from the basis that creation is everything, everything can be created”.

This artist makes the most important monuments in the world disappear

The SinSagradaFamilia

Wonders suddenly appeared in Jayo's mind. “I felt it as a gift from the universe. I also realized that she was starting from a series of works I did in 2004 in which characters disappear from a scene. Back then I leaned on the concept of invisibility and tried to reflect this concept in the simplest way possible. , doing magic without doing it”.

This artist makes the most important monuments in the world disappear

The SinTower of Pisa

This artist makes the most important monuments in the world disappear

The SinEiffel Tower

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