The first nudist restaurant in Spain will open in Tenerife in 2017


The first nudist restaurant in Spain to open in Tenerife

In Innato we will eat just like that

"The unnatural thing is to dress, the comfortable thing is to undress" Tony De Leonardis, the Italian businessman behind this project, explains to Inspired by London venue The Bunyadi, Innato is conceived as a space to relax and connect with the environment without stress.

"The key is not for people to undress, but to leave their stress, their mobile phones, their keys, their car, their tobacco... at the ticket office," assures this professional with 35 years of experience in the hospitality sector and that during years he lived in Lanzarote. A) Yes, Diners will leave their things in a locker upon arrival and change into a robe and slippers. And, of course, if someone doesn't want to get naked, there is freedom not to.

Once inside the premises, customers will be able to choose between three menus (vegetarian, meat or fish) made up of starters, five dishes and desserts. All this made with products from the area and with food that is mostly raw or cooked in a wood oven. Starters and dessert will be served on a 'human table' , that is, arranged like a buffet on leaves placed on the body of a half-naked man or woman. If someone prefers to bet on the tradition of a conventional table, they will have freedom to do so.

The first nudist restaurant in Spain to open in Tenerife

A human buffet looks like this

The menus will have a fixed price of 70 euro s “to get rid of stress and not think about how much they are going to nail you in the end”. Drinks are included and They will consist of Canarian wines, craft beers and a punch that they will prepare themselves. Innato will open only at night and will serve one dinner per day, "relaxed and unhurried".

Everything happens to return to the origin. Therefore, in this restaurant all the materials will be organic, there will be no electric light and the lighting will come from candles and torches, in the case of the two gardens. In them, there will be braziers and bonfires to maintain a suitable temperature.

Two concerns: privacy and hygiene. In Innato they have taken into account every last detail. Regarding the first point, privacy is guaranteed, since the dim lighting of the candles and a separation between tables based on bamboo screens prevents seeing the rest of the diners. As for the second, the chairs will be stools with cushions that will have a single-use cover.

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