Néboa: the series that brings out the dramatic and mystical beauty of Galicia


Nboa or the harshness of Galician landscapes summarized in a series of eight chapters

Néboa, or the harshness of Galician landscapes summarized in a series of eight chapters

The lieutenant Monica Ortiz And your daughter Vega they arrive at one island off the coast of Galicia: Neboa . There she receives them Lieutenant Iron . Monica has to investigate a crime that she is involved in legends and unsolved murders for decades related to the nosy ('carnival' in Galician) and the mystical character of Urco . She does it with a colleague from the Civil Guard, Sergeant carmel souto.

Some barnacles found a body in a furna , a place they call Burato do Demo (devil's hole ). the island is called Neboa (fog) and, like the mist itself, everything fades away.

Burato do Demo

Burato do Demo (Neboa)

The island is accessed by a ferry . That scene is shot in San Felipe, in Ferrol . The background is barely distinguishable - where the La Palma castle - because the plan is masterfully cut to give few details. Only the important. The neck of a Civil Guard involved in a case that strikes a nerve because in the small town everyone knows each other. The fog seems to rise to show that each character hides something.

Nothing is what it seems. This says it Alba Galocha (O Milladoiro, 1990) who plays Vega. "In my character, the important thing is that he goes looking for something to change in his life . The first impression you have of the place is not so important if you don't the place itself and what it is escaping from ", she explains to Traveler.es.

Isabel Naveira , Sergeant Souto, affirmed in the presentation of the series that the island itself was a character . Alba shares that idea: “Néboa is one more character, and one of the important ones” she says.

Alba Galocha with Emma Surez

Alba Galocha with Emma Suarez

This eight-episode series is largely shot outdoors. This gives it authenticity, accustomed as we are to so many series made in sets. It allows recognize places and feel that what they tell us is part of something very real. Néboa is that Galician idiosyncrasy . Both for the good and for the bad. This initial mistrust , those elusive and elusive glances , this breeching -which for the unversed can sometimes be excessively hurtful - are also part of ourselves. That is why, as Alba Galocha rightly comments, "it is not so much to focus on the most surprising part. For my character, Néboa is a journey, a place to start from scratch".

Nboa Island

Isla de Néboa (or the coast of Mañón, in Ortegal)

She affirms that she feels a bit like her character. she wants to escape not for the same reasons, but she does want to have that freedom . Alba has lived in big cities and has traveled all over the world. But she always has the feeling of wanting to escape the noise and the maelstrom for a while. "The Warrior's Rest" she, as she came to call it in an interview granted to Traveler. Feel the sea breeze and see the seagulls, that fly, that look of tranquility, noticing that magic that Galicia has is what helped her -and helps her in her work- to get into her character

Although you never leave completely. "You always find people from the house wherever you go," he says. . She has her family, her boy and her friends, whom she met in Madrid but they are from A Coruña and from Vigo . In Paris she, even one of her roommates was a colleague of Santiago that she had known since she was 15 years old.

Ortegal Coast

"You always have the feeling of being out and not being out" , as she usually happens to us to all Galician men and women . You see places that remind you of home. Alba found similarities even in Australia , where -despite the exaggerated size of everything and the obvious differences with the way people are- there were places that smelled the same.

One of the locations in which she felt most comfortable filming was the one that gives life to the fishing village of Néboa: Or Barqueiro . Belongs to city ​​council of mañon , in the north of Galicia. This small coastal town is ideal for getting to know Galician seafaring life. Very close is the arealonga beach , the tip of Fucino do Porco , and in the neighboring municipality of Ortigueira , the famous bank of Loiba.

O Barqueiro during the filming of Nboa

O Barqueiro, during the filming of Néboa

A stone's throw away is another of the locations. The Hotel Semaforo of Bars , where her character and that of her mother, Lieutenant Mónica Ortiz -who does the great Emma Suarez - They stay.

Alba reaches him at the beginning of the first chapter and notices a scratch made with salt on the ground . In the Loiba cliffs Many scenes were recorded that gave the magnitude of the Galician rugged orography.

For Alba this area has no secret because she used to go all over it with her family in the summer -which is from Lugo-. In addition, this year he had the opportunity to go to the beach, the one that can only be accessed on foot and feel the fine sand between the fingers . "Being from here allows me to play with an advantage," explains the actress. With that she can give nuances to her character and play with them.

Estaca de Bares lighthouse scene of Nboa

Estaca de Bares lighthouse, scene of Néboa

Another of those magical places where the series has been shot is the Furna Furada . Is in the Death Coast , in the Carballesa parish of Bead them and they can be visited - but you have to do it carefully because it is complicated terrain. The furnas are caves on the coast that were made by the erosion of the sea and leave an incredible landscape. In the series it is the reason why the story begins, since that is where the body of Ana -played by Denisse Peña- . It was also filmed near there, in the Arnela sandbank , which can be seen in the fourth chapter.

Furna Furada

Furna Furada (known in 'Néboa' as Burato do demo)

From there we go back to Ortigueira to find us A Devesana social center , what makes of Civil Guard barracks in the plot . It was founded in 1912 as a secular school thanks to donations from Indians: Galician emigrants who made their fortune in America and returned. During the dictatorship it became the headquarters of the same body and over time it returned to its original use.

Arnela Beach during the filming of 'Nboa'

Arnela Beach, during the filming of 'Néboa'

Scenes were also shot in the Ortigueira municipal cemetery , which is at the foot of the Ortigueira estuary at low tide and, in the background, you can see Punta Fornelos.

Nearby we find two other towns that play a fundamental role. The canning factory of La Pureza -where her mother receives the terrible news of what is happening to her daughter because she works there- and the sismundi's hut . They are in the municipality of Cariño , in the province of A Coruña, and there, in the latter, was one of the main suspects in the first chapter.

Ortigueira Cemetery during the filming of 'Nboa'

Ortigueira Cemetery during the filming of 'Néboa'

Other locations are O Paraxón sanatorium , in Oza-Caesuras , already abandoned, created to heal tuberculosis patients and that was never finished - the work was paralyzed in 1930.

O Paraxón Sanatorium in OzaCesuras

O Paraxón Sanatorium, in Oza-Cesuras

Or the Fraga of Cecebre , where the persecution of Ana is filmed, which gave life to the Coruñés Wenceslao Fernandez Florez in his work The animated forest ; either San Antonio de Corveiro, in Cedeira ; or in Saint Sadurniño , where Ana's parents' house is filmed -which are Antonio Durán "Morris" and María Vázquez- and they see the lieutenant for the first time after learning what has happened.

In this thriller created by the Galician scriptwriters Xosé Morais, Victor Sierra and Alberto Guntin The place is as important as the characters. Everything you see can give you clues to solve the case. Or maybe not. Will have to come and check it out.

Map of Nboa

Neboa Map

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