NORDIKOS, Scandinavian poles with a lot of Hygge


sea ​​buckthorn and blueberries

Sea buckthorn and blueberries

At Traveler we have been witnessing the birth of new and tasty frozen temples, where you can refresh your throat when the high temperatures hit. Frozen brioches, fish eaten for dessert (Taiyaki), Galician popitos... And now, pops nordic (poles).


Nordikos, lined up, ready to be consumed

Have you ever had a rhubarb popsicle? And cloudberry? If the answer is no, keep reading... Nordikos Gourmet Pops it is the last one refrigerator incorporation to the Malasaña neighborhood . Hand in hand with the marriage formed by Jacob and Vanessa , comes this shirt that is going to fully immerse us in the incredible world of scandinavian flavors . In a small store street fish , these entrepreneurs are ready to conquer (and refresh) Madrid's palates in their Danish corner.

What leads a writer and marketer and a doctor to open an ice cream parlor in Madrid? After five years in Spain, this Danish couple has decided to contribute a bit of hygge to the crazy Madrid life. Nordikos arises from one of the scandinavian customs that fully manifests its contact with nature. Up there they have the habit of collect wild fruits and freeze them , to go tasting them throughout the year. Doing it -always with the family- means the beginning of spring or summer. And what better than to use a tradition of land to give birth to your new business?

Winter is coming in the form of Scandinavian ice cream

Winter is coming in the form of Scandinavian ice cream

At Nordikos they make nine different varieties of pops every day. Better known flavors such as strawberry and currant or plum , join the rhubarb, cloudberry and sea buckthorn popsicles . The best? that in addition to rich, healthy and full of beneficial vitamins and nutrients for the body.

We are going to discover something else for you. The cloudberry that we talked about above, contains more Vitamin C than an orange . It is a wild fruit that only blooms for three weeks in July in the swamp area of Norway, Sweden and Finland . Only three weeks! While sea buckthorn became fashionable because the one who was the chef of the best restaurant in the world, Rene Redzepi in Noma I used it in his kitchen.

Has the bug bit you yet? Do not wait any longer and do not resist. They will conquer you. Sure.


Because they are different poles that you have probably never tried. In addition to pintones and very instagrammable . You have to add it to your ice cream route through the capital to the one already.


If you are more than sweet vein don't worry. They also have a delicious vanilla chocolate pop . And the toppings weren't going to be less because depending on the popsicle you order, you can add milk, chocolate coverage and nuts.


Address : Fish Street, 2

Telephone: 91 603 51 94

Price: 3 euros

Schedule: from Monday to Sunday from 12:00 to 00:00

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