From the cinema to the casino between plate and plate


Columbus Restaurant in the Casino Gran Madrid Colón.

Columbus Restaurant, in the Casino Gran Madrid Colón.

A couple of years ago, in Madrid, they moved the statue of Columbus to us . Nothing to write home about: they took her down from the platform where It was in the Gardens of Discovery and they placed it on an island in the middle of Recoletos, a few meters below. The change that is now coming to the plaza is probably more to the liking of most Madrid residents. It makes sense: it will cost them much less money and will bring them much more satisfaction.

And that is precisely what the transformation that has already begun to seethe in this 'Columbus Circle', with the incorporation of two large spaces for the use and enjoyment of the Madrilenian and the visitor: the Casino Gran Madrid Colón and Platea. The common point is Powerful leisure and gastronomy offer at democratic prices so that everyone —and not just the residents of the neighborhood (Salamanca and Justicia, the closest ones)— can make it our daily bread. Because here, we already know, we do not understand days of the week. And here, we already know, when it's not a party to go out to eat from a croquette to rice with lobster.

One of the gaming tables at the Gran Madrid Colón casino.

One of the gaming tables at the Gran Madrid Colón casino.

In the absence of Eurovegas, Madrid already has a casino. And in the center. Less than a month ago he began to spin his roulette, and with him his Columbus restaurant, a ship whose rudders are commanded by mario sandoval in the kitchen and his brothers, in the cellar and living room respectively. The triplets take up in the capital the concept that their saint and sign Sandoval already made in Humanes with the 'archaeology of flavors', looking for the roots and looking back at the past. But it is not only about paleontology, but also about ethnographic issues, making inroads into the flavors of the new world, in a tribute to the Admiral.

The offer? Very varied: four menus, two tasting menus (of three and four main) , spoon dishes that change every day and one afterwork area with its own cocktails and tapas. Prices? Logical, and down to earth: (the tasting menu costs 60 euros), with a wine list signed by Rafael Sandoval and more than 200 champagnes. The fun? Assured, as there are some spaces on the balcony with views of the game room and others to the 'transparent' kitchen.

The Sandoval brothers.

The Sandoval brothers (Mario, on the right) .

Its neighbor across the street will have a lot in common, ** Platea Madrid, the other mega gastronomic space ** that is also about to be candy (although looking at its skeleton, anyone would say so) in the old Carlos III cinema: high altitude gastronomy for all. Its number is 666. Not because of a nod to Beelzebub, but because of its figures: almost six thousand square meters, an investment of 60 million and 6 Michelin stars in garlic. A garlic that, rather, looks like an onion with several layers (the old stalls that will be preserved as it is a protected area), each one more appetizing.

will be in the heart Ramón Freixa who will run the only proper restaurant , but you can eat (and buy to take away) in countless specialized microspaces: a lot of street food, snacking with your hands, informal gatherings and up and down movement. They will also be present from the flavors of yesterday, today and always - with a chicken rotisserie (also to take away), a grill or hamburger stalls - to haute cuisine, in the form of Michelin corners Paco Roncero, Pepe Solla and Marcos Morán . The exotic flavors (Peruvian, Mexican, Japanese and Chinese, and Italian) will be borne by Kiko Zeballos (Virú), Álex de la Fuente, Rafael Sánchez (Shikku) and Ranieri Casalini (Fortino), respectively, and will be translated in the form of Italian pizzas, snacks, tacos, and ceviches.

Infographic of what Platea Madrid will look like.

Infographic of what Platea Madrid will look like.

In addition, to liven up the middays and the beers at the exit of the office of all life (which they now call afterwork), in Platea there will be a vermouth area, another beer and wine by the glass and cocktail bar. The good news —we have already advanced it— is that the price will not be very different from other bars (especially considering the area we are talking about, the confluence between the Salamanca and Recoletos neighborhoods). The idea is that you can eat a la carte in the restaurant for 40 euros, of tapas for around 20 euros and take one cane for 2.5. And all in the middle of a variety stage with acrobatics, dances, magic or cabarets and a led screen (warning: they will only show matches of the red one) combined with tastings, show cookings, etc... We will still have to wait about a month for the corkage to be uncorked, which will be done starting with dessert: macaroni, biscuits and Mom's chocolates Framboise.

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