The train of the Three Wise Men will circulate this Christmas in Madrid


The train of the Three Wise Men circulate this Christmas in Madrid

The train of the Three Wise Men circulates this Christmas in Madrid

That their Majesties, the Three Kings of the East, travel by camel is something that they have always told us and we have believed. Now this **Christmas , as they did last year, They have chosen to do it on rails. At least, in ** Madrid.

To do this, they will have their own train, the Three Kings Train, which will be in operation between December 22 and January 5 following a circular path that will take its 220 passengers for the surroundings of Madrid and the Mount of El Pardo.

With departure and arrival at Principe Pio station , Their Majesties' train will carry out four daily trips (10:35 a.m., 12:12 p.m., 2:05 p.m. and 4:35 p.m., except December 24 and 31) from approximately one hour long.

During the trip there will be children's entertainment show, face painting, workshops and, of course, the Three Kings and their pages will be present to collect all those letters that haven't been sent yet.

To travel on this historic train from the 1940s, operated by ALSA in collaboration with the Association of Friends of the Madrid Railway, it is necessary purchase tickets through its website or by calling The price amounts to 14 euros, in the case of adults; and 12 for children (free for children under three years of age who do not occupy a seat) .

The Three Kings Train

The train of the Three Wise Men arrives in Madrid

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