The exhibition that gives light (literally) to the care of the environment


Joanie Lemercier Exhibition

We enter an enlightened nature.

Can you imagine seeing Mount Fuji from Madrid? Joanie Lemercier has made it possible. In which she is presented as her first exhibition in Spain, landscapes of light , the artist generates a route that pursues the beauty of the nature . This time, exalted by a play of lights that recreates overwhelming scenes, but also casts a reflection on the exploitation of the planet.

Abstract, sober and geometric lines come together in seven audiovisual installations in which light is the protagonist . Lemercier exposes her experience with digital programming and introduce the viewers a distortion of reality in what is really about imaginary landscapes that make nature a work of art.

Curated by Juliette Bibasse, the artist's exhibition awaits two faces. In the first part, the public will be, never better said, dazzled by a poetic natural environment, created by technology and informatics . However, it will be in the second part when those wounded landscapes, the result of human overexploitation.

Joanie Lemercier Exhibition

A contrast between the beauty of landscapes and the need for their care.

The bittersweet taste of the Lemercier tour first goes through that visual alteration in which algorithms and computer science are capable of give rise to volcanoes, mountains and all kinds of geographies . It will be later when that moment of reflection arrives, in which the artist places images such as the devastation of one of the most polluting European coal mines.

From fascination to introspection in an instant. In this second part, the artist intends to convey the red alert in which the planet is . These images, captured by drone , put aside the imagination to reveal the harsh reality, the one in which nature needs human care.


Among the seven, the sample includes three new installations. In edges , the artist translates the way she communicates visually, bringing together those sober and geometric lines that make up her work. In The Hambach forest and the Technological Sublime the harsh situation of the deforestation of one of the oldest forests in Europe . In Desirable Futures , Lemercier invites the public to consider and visualization of what is to come.

Joanie Lemercier Exhibition

Technology and audiovisual art capable of altering our perception of reality.

The remaining four consist of Eyjafjallajökull, which represents this Icelandic volcano which erupted in March 2010. Mount Fuji is also included in these installations, drawn by hand on a large scale and enhanced by a layer of light. The geography is completed with Montagne, Cent quatorze mille pollygones, representing a valley surrounded by mountains; and Possible Paysages , also composed of mountains.

Actually, everything is made up of grids and drawings, but the power of technology will make viewers feel in the middle of a nature full of light . Joanie Lemercier lands in Spain to shine and show that advances are not incompatible with our environment . (From February 11 to July 25 at Fundación Telefónica, free admission. Book here)

Joanie Lemercier Exhibition

An open door to Joanie Lemercier's career.

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