Ramen Shifu, the ancient oriental soup in the Barrio de Salamanca


Even if it's hot you have to try Ramen Shifu

Even if it's hot, you have to try Ramen Shifu

** Ramen Shifu ** comes with a wide variety of these oriental noodles in broth that have finally caught on here. It has cost us, but ramen has finally found its place in the favorite gastronomic plans of Madrid. The proof is that there is an increasing variety of sites and more and more menus include this ancient recipe, born in China, but popularized in Japan, which is not just long noodles in a meat broth. Is much more.

Kimchi Ramen by Ramen Master

kimchi ramen

Or it can be, because the recipes for that broth and what goes with the noodles can vary a lot. It's what they want to show ramen master , one of the last places to open in the capital dedicated to this dish, although not exclusively (it also has dry noodles, that is, without broth; rice dishes and starters like its delicious gyoza either edamame ) .

Lunch menu at Ramen Shifu

Lunch menu at Ramen Shifu

With a decoration inspired by the izakaya of japan , open kitchen with fabric panels, in ramen master They have made a trip around the country to bring to their menu the different recipes according to the regions. Thus, they have up to nine varieties of ramen that they keep fixed plus one that they include and change every week.

Ramen Shifu room detail

Detail of the room, with a lot of izakaya flavor

Among the fixed ones are the most classic ones such as the Tonkotsu Ramen , with the original broth and the basic ingredients, the chives the chahu (or pork), the seaweed, the egg; the Shoyu (typical of Tokyo) with soy broth or the miso (from the area of Sapporo ), with miso broth. They also offer a vegetable version (the Yasai ) and one for the brave, very spicy, the So so.

Shoyu Ramen

Shoyu Ramen


Because we already said it at the beginning: you are #ramen addict. And if you are not yet, you have to start somewhere. Already. Here they have a more than affordable price.


Your home service perfect for those who see ramen as a hangover meal. And the possibility of ordering a large or small portion (200 or 100 grams) .


Address: Ayala Street, 65

Telephone: 914 01 77 30

Schedule: from 1:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. and from 8:00 p.m. to 00:00 p.m. Closed on Sundays.

Half price: 15 euros

Ramen Master General Room

Ramen Master General Room

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