Cocopí: local and sustainable food that makes us feel good



Cocopí, takes your grandmother's food home

It all started when Jorge , founder of Cocopí, became independent. Until that moment, he had not thought of something that seems obvious, but is not so; that, every day, we have to make an important decision: decide what we are going to eat . And we must do it by fulfilling several premises: that it be fast (and adapt to our unstoppable routines), healthy, and if we can also enjoy the moment, even better.

As expected, meeting all three is not easy. "All food solutions have a common denominator: they are industrial food. And this, both the palate and the health, notice it. It is not the same to eat some lentils that have been prepared with love and affection for five people, than one prepared in a chain for two hundred or two thousand ", details Jorge to


When Jorge was living in South America, he noticed that housewives sold food, made by them, in offices full of people. . And this idea pleased the workers, who were abandoning other options such as bars and restaurants in the area.

This idea, which probably arose out of a matter of necessity and ingenuity (often they go hand in hand), was precisely what encouraged the founder of Cocopí to pursue his particular purpose: that eating healthy would become a habit. For it, every day eight portions of each dish are prepared, as would happen in a home kitchen, with quality ingredients and proximity.

In fact, sustainability is one of the fundamental ingredients in this company . The delivery men have a fair employment contract and the cooks can earn a decent living without giving up their life outside the workplace; rights that we do not always enjoy.

Although without a doubt, the most interesting thing is that the diners contribute to this happening. "Every time someone buys through Cocopí, they are having a direct impact on cooks who live in the same area, and who in turn buy raw materials in local businesses, thus favoring local consumption and the circular economy George sums it up.

But the fact that it is healthy food and in small quantities does not mean that the dishes are far from what we can enjoy in an avant-garde restaurant. " Not all dishes are traditional, we also offer more innovative cuisine ", he assures.


With more than 137,000 orders behind it, Cocopí works in a simple and empathetic way. Each chef is responsible for buying the raw material that he will use to prepare his dishes, but the company rewards them for doing so in local businesses and, in addition, helps reduce costs. As for the recipes, it is also the chefs who decide what to prepare, but Cocopí, after four years in the sector, suggests ideas, taking into account what is most liked depending on the area or the time of year.

The consumer only has to enter the website, write the name of their street, and choose between the available options, always delicious, with different options vegetarian , and affordable.


"Food is everything, and even more so if we value it in the medium or long term. Because poor diet is responsible for many of the diseases that western society suffers ", Jorge points out. "It is no coincidence that we now suffer from the highest rates of obesity, cholesterol problems, diabetes or hypertension in history."

But what about mental health? Because Eating well is essential, not only for physical health, but also for mental health . In difficult times, we need to feel close to those dishes that remind us of better times, like our childhood, or that they have the power to bring us closer to our loved ones, be they family or friends, who are sometimes far away . Because eating dishes that have been prepared with local products and in small quantities is attractive to us for reasons that go beyond the palate.


Bon appétit!

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