What to do with your parents on their visit to Madrid


Thyssen Museum

The terrace of the Thyssen Museum

However, and especially when that independence takes place in a location far from the one where they reside, such as Madrid Little does that cheerful emancipated man imagine that he has just immersed himself in a much more complex universe that he was completely unaware of: parental visits.

Commercial Coffee

The churros of the Commercial Café

For those of you who have never been through this experience, imagine concentrating all the fights over the remote control, comments about your clothing or your way of life and bellowing for you to clean up your room in a few days. Without a rest. For this reason, and how satisfying parents is almost more complicated than that of the camel and the needle , we are going to give you a few tips to keep you entertained during your visit to the capital.

You wake up so much earlier than usual, that your parents can't see that you laze around in bed. You are a full-fledged man who opens his eye before he wakes up . And to start the day strong (because it's going to be long), what better than a good breakfast in an iconic place in Madrid. The churros of the Commercial Café could wake up a zombie -it is the oldest cafeteria in the capital for a reason- just like those of the mythical Chocolatería San Ginés. But since there is nothing better than sugar to wake you up, the El Riojano Confectionery With its bartolillos, Pastas del Consejo and more than 400 types of biscuits, it is the perfect option so that the first coffee in the morning is typical of Madrid.

Linares Palace

The Palace of Linares and the supposed psychophonies

After a hearty breakfast and picking up your mother's bag because she left it on her chair, you can start with some activities to tire them out so that they don't redecorate your house as soon as they set foot in it again. As you have probably already made the basic tour of Madrid on other occasions (although remember that the ** Thyssen Museum is always a good option ** ), prepare a visit to the less touristy cultural Madrid. The Linares Palace, now Casa de América, with its ghost stories and cultural activities is a good option. Or any of the lesser-known palaces in Madrid that you can visit thanks to the “Welcome to the Palace! ”. If they are not from palaces, you can always bet on El Escorial because all parents like it the dump , and with luck you may be invited to eat at charolais . It's a win-win.

When your parents have already complained about fifteen times that you walk slowly, that you walk fast, that there are too many people and how expensive the city is, it is time for you to give them a break and that you Give in to the only thing that can fix this: the alcohol. And how is the time of vermouth , what better way to land on Rodriguez & Salas, with twelve types of vermouth and a wine list that will bring tears to your father's eyes.

the ling

Madrid is to eat it

If the stomach starts to rumble, it's time to move on to larger dishes. Forget gastrobars and emulsions and take your parents to a place where they serve what they probably call "food food ”. The Madrid market gastronomy of La Castela, the Murcian rice dishes of El Caldero or the typically Cantabrian cuisine of La Maruca will undoubtedly become a topic of conversation at meetings with friends when they return home.

To lower the food, the ideal is to indulge in the pleasures of consumerism . If you want to go easy, it's best to let your parents roam free. The English Court of Castellana , from which they will probably come out in 2079. If you are a good son and want to work harder, don't forget to visit the Motor Market, Callao Central or Robotrónica , where you will find all those gifts that you will feel compelled to buy for your nephews, brothers, cousins ​​and their co-workers. And if you already bid for the son of the year position, snack on a delicious cake at the Café del Jardín and quietly walking through Madrid Río while they tell you that they no longer know what to do with your little brother, that he is useless neither to work nor to study, it is a plan that never fails.



In the event that they still have some strength or your parents are given to energy drinks and arrive awake at dinner time, Platea Madrid is the place to go. A great gastronomic offer that has six Michelin stars , in a unique space that will leave you speechless and that you can finish off with some cocktails at The Courtyard and The Pit , by the well-known Diego Cabrera, or walking a bit to the legendary Del Diego to enjoy one of his creations in a relaxed atmosphere.

And when you take the taxi on the way home and you see your parents asleep from exhaustion, you will know that this year the Three Wise Men will be good to you, because a good son no one likes you.

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