Are British pubs in danger of extinction?


Sherlock Holmes pub.

Sherlock Holmes pub.

And it is that, what would London be without its famous pubs? The possibilities are endless throughout the day. From the 'little bar' that offers all kinds of beers to the three-story pub with live music at night and a roof terrace for summer days and smokers.

That is why the alarming number of pubs that they are closing, 52 a week across the country According to the ** Save the pub ** initiative, it is leading many of its owners to campaign against their extinction. Pinta culture cannot stay here. We know that they will not disappear completely but perhaps in a few years London not be the same as now. The anti-smoking law and the rise in taxes on alcoholic beverages have formed a perfect tandem to contribute to the fact that there are fewer and fewer pubs . Furthermore, if there is a hotel establishment linked to tobacco in British culture, it is the pub. The place to have a pint and socialize, socialize, with the neighbors as the series has immortalized Eastenders for more than a quarter of a century.

These beers are only made in England and are among the most popular in British pubs.

These beers are only made in England and are among the most popular in British pubs.

The initiative save the pub is carrying out an arduous campaign to ensure that many of these premises are not closed. Arguing that the anti-tobacco law in force in the United Kingdom since 2007 has been the great cause of this decline, they have built a political party from the foundations of this base to defend these interests. Under the name of UKIP, this party advocates shared premises between smokers and non-smokers, with special spaces and lower rates on drinks.

But Neither the pints, nor the fish & chips, nor the atmosphere that is breathed in these bars have been able to counteract the effects of the global crisis on consumption . It is also attributed to a change in lifestyle and tastes, or fashions, since, for example, pubs that have a greater gastronomic offer are weathering the storm better and **the number of sophisticated establishments specializing in wine or coffee is growing ( Mediterranean-style) **, and these establishments are absorbing a part of the clientele that the corner pub used to have.

Now, with the arrival of thousands of people for the ** Olympic Games **, London awaits the perfect moment to bring British culture closer to tourists arriving in the capital these days, showing that the pint and the pub still have many years of life left and that some traditions should never change.

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