They create the first drone capable of transporting people


They create the first drone capable of transporting people

Flights on demand

The electric ship has been baptized with a number: 184 , which refers to the passenger that can be transported, to the eight propellers with which it counts and four arms that make it up. For now, this design allows you to traverse average distances of about 16 kilometers and at a speed of about 95 km per hour reports the Daily Mail.

They create the first drone capable of transporting people

Model of the Ehang 184

The best of all? The passenger does not have to do anything . His job is limited to taking a seat inside, entering the ** destination address in an App ** and relaxing in a cabin with adjustable temperature , network connection 4G and colored light for reading.

From the company they assure that nobody can take the appliance remote control and that when establishing the route, the best option for the passenger , taking into account the routes of the drones that are flying at the same moment to avoid collisions.

They create the first drone capable of transporting people

careful details

The cost of the device has not yet been disclosed, although since Ehang have reported that the commercial version coming this year . They will have to wait, however, to receive authorization from the **US Federal Aviation Administration (FAA)** which, for now, has not approved drones for human use in the country.

They create the first drone capable of transporting people

Model of the Ehang 184

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