These are the fastest trains in the world


The fastest trains of 2019.

The fastest trains of 2019.

We know which are the fastest trains in the world thanks to the annual study of World Speed ​​Survey . This survey has evaluated the average speed of scheduled high-speed services between May and June 2019.

In addition, the selected trains had to be operating from Monday to Friday with an average of more than 160 km/h in different seasons. The study therefore does not include single or weekend services.

This 2019 has been a year of significant changes with respect, above all, to 2017. China leads the ranking again or rather it breaks it because few trains today can match the speed of theirs, two of which, G17/G39 running between Beijing and Nanjing, reaches 317 km/h . Of course, only in a trial period because it can even reaching 350 km/h.

This train can travel more than 1,021 km in 193 minutes. Not bad at all, right?

Let's say that China not only has several of the fastest trains, but most of its trains are above the world average, as can be seen in the study.

China undisputed leader.

China, undisputed leader.

This year there have been novelties in the ranking with the appearance of new countries in the upper levels of the table such as Africa and the Middle East. In this sense, they refer to the openings of new high-speed lines, one in Morocco , with the line between Kénitra and Tangier, which reaches a speed of 250km/h; and two in Saudi Arabia, the one that connects Madinah with KAEC, and the one from Madinah to Jeddah, the first with 174 km/h and the second with 163 km/h.

Second place is occupied by Italy. with the Italian 9955, that reaches 272km/h, and goes from Milano Rogoredo to Reggio Emilia AV in 32 minutes.


The case of Spain is also noteworthy because it occupies fifth place in the ranking with four trains and lines. Do you want to know what they are?

The AVE 3062 that goes from Zaragoza-Delicias to Guadalajara-Yebes It is the fastest of all because it travels 242 km in 56 minutes at a speed of 259 km/h.

Various trains, name not specified, ranging from Atocha station to Sants station , they do it at 248km/h, that is, 621 km in 150 minutes . In the third position is the AVE 5149/5340 that goes from Requena-Utiel to the Cuenca Fernando Zóbel high-speed station, or what is the same, 132km in 32 minutes at 240km/h.

The fourth to appear is the AVE 5141 that travels from Valencia Joaquin Sorolla to Atocha station, 391km in 98 minutes at about 239 km/h.

Spain and its trains at the head.

Spain and its trains at the head.


1.China - 317.7 kph / 197.4 mph

2.Italy - 272.4 kph / 169.3 mph

3.France: 271.8 kph / 168.9 mph

4. Japan - 267.4 kph / 166.2 mph

5.Spain - 259.6 kph / 161.3 mph

6.Taiwan - 256.4 kph / 159.3 mph

7.Germany: 238.8 kph / 148.4 mph

8.Morocco - 232.7 kph / 144.6 mph

9.International (Brussels-Paris) - 229.5 kph / 142.6 mph

10. South Korea - 222 kph / 137.9 mph

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