Bookstores to get inspired in Barcelona (when Parc Güell is not enough)


RAS library

Architecture, design, photography and ¡RAS!

Looking at contemporary art, architecture and design on a computer screen has its limitations: paper still provides a classic and accurate perspective of what is represented. Great photographers like Martin Parr claim photography books as one of the best ways to enjoy it, trending photobloggers have the need to jump out of their online world and publish their work on paper and even the “coffee-table” books , wonderful large-format editions that are often used as mere decorative elements, are eagerly leafed through for information.

Two years ago it closed in Barcelona Anchor and Dolphin , a bookstore specializing in architecture, art and design, which was a severe blow to the punished world of books. Nevertheless, we follow in the footsteps of some solid projects that maintain all their energy thanks to integrating all kinds of activities in their spaces, which is a shock for customers. Its attentive and competent booksellers are also exhibition curators, art gallery owners, event organizers and online experts.


**Ras** is one of the busiest bookstores in the city. The details of the radical design of the window and its zig-zag shelves mark a space dedicated to exhibitions, events and book sales. Behind this bookstore is the Barcelona publisher ACTAR, which publishes innovative books on architecture, graphic design and contemporary art . In their books they reflect the work of renowned or emerging architects, designers and photographers who follow an experimental line, both theoretical and practical.

Ras is the natural extension of the editorial, where the authors are constantly in discussions and presentations with the aim of generating interrelationships and connections between people and projects.

RAS library

Books, books and more books (and debates and presentations...)

RAS Gallery

RAS Gallery: the perfect complement


This bookstore-gallery opened in 1992 , considered as one of the best photography in Europe among professionals, it has opted for the maximum specialization of its offer through a rigorous selection of the best published internationally. One of its strengths is its publishing fund in which more than 15,000 titles are grouped published in English, Spanish, French and other languages.

The gallery came later, in 1997 : "Kowasa was the first Spanish gallery to continuously exhibit contemporary, classic and modern photography by Spanish and international authors," says Hubert de Wangen, its founder and director, a well-known photography collector. It was also a pioneer in online sales, and on its website you can quickly buy specialized magazines, DVDs, special editions, signed books, original photographs, out-of-print books... As Wangen himself points out: "Rarities that can only be found in Kowasa . The best way to approach photography is through books , reading and seeing works by established photographers”.


One of the best photography bookstores (and gallery) in Europe


Founded in 1979, **Laie** was among the first bookstores to discover gastronomy as an effective complement for the sale of books . The large headquarters, located on Pau Claris street, has a cafeteria and a restaurant decorated with literary motifs. The Pau Claris coffee , with a calm atmosphere, is a cozy space to get carried away by a special reading or a lively conversation about books.

The Laie bookstores have spread to different institutions linked to culture, each one adapted to its field and specialized. For example, Laie CCCB It offers titles in accordance with the theme of the cultural center -critical thinking, architecture, audiovisual culture, art, urban planning-, but it also takes into account the environment, with special sections on illustration and design. Damiá Gallardo, director of Laie CCCB, attributes the success of this formula to “ have a relevant presence in the world of culture and manage the interests of all the people who are related to Laie, based on criteria of business efficiency and social responsibility and, on the other hand, being very attentive to international changes and trends. Being up to date is essential to provide a good service to our client”.

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Bookstores to get inspired in Barcelona

Laie's headquarters on Pau Claris street

Bookstores to get inspired in Barcelona

Cafeteria of the Laie headquarters in Pau Claris street

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