Beyond Christmas: five destinations without leaving Spain for 2020


A climber reaches a snowy summit.

This Christmas, dream of a dream getaway.

Christmas brings us back to where we belong , in which we feel safe and enjoy the landscapes that have accompanied us since we were little. Wrapped up in a succession of family gatherings, we return to the voices and flavors that have been there forever. Is a feeling comforting, warm and intimate.

We already know all this well and we love living it year after year. Although the tinsel and the glass of cava have their charm, our traveling spirit It provokes in us an irrepressible desire to escape. we seek escape and recover the restlessness of the new . Traveling is not only moving from one point to another, but awaken the expectation of the unknown , of the places we want to return to.

So while everyone else indulges in marzipan, **we can download the Expedia app**. it is on our mobile enter a destination and let ourselves go.

Christmas market in the main square of Madrid.

Christmas market in the main square of Madrid.

Let's consider the possibilities: a hotel? , perhaps, or it may be better to opt for a **vacation rental**. We verified that there are discounts on joint reservations of return and accommodation, through the vacation packages of . The January slope is coming and we have to pay attention to the saving . We should make sure if it is cheaper ** to book it all together or separately **.

You can also book the **activities online**. By doing so, we will avoid waiting and queues and you will add points to your account . It is advisable to make one Expedia Rewards account and thus save an average of 35 euros in each reservation . In addition, when booking through the app points are doubled.

Waters of Dragonera Island in Majorca

The turquoise waters of Dragonera Island, in Mallorca. Christmas retreat?

You have forgotten the marzipan and other Christmas delicatessen because you have thrown yourself into enter destinations in the search engine . Despite the freedom that the mobile keyboard gives you, you know that it is convenient to moderate expectations, since it is possible that some of the destinations you are looking for will come true... That is why select five places without leaving Spain . What if we eat nougat in a paradise like the Majorcan island of Dragonera ?

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