Morocco: the land of wonders


marrakech menara garden

Morocco, dream territory

Morocco - vibrant, warm, sensory -, is the territory of the authentic, and, at the same time, belongs to the realm of imagination . Morocco - alive, genuine, sensual - is everything we dreamed of, but thought we would never see: snake charmers , fruits of colors -and flavors- super saturated, virgin beaches, palaces and gardens that don't even fit in a fairy tale.

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Morocco is our wonderland, and it is so close that we almost touched it when looking at the horizon. But you have to go to understand, you have to seeing is believing this destiny, so close at hand, so distinct at the same time, so young, so old.

when are your next vacations ? How many days do you have? The answer doesn't matter: run away Morocco is close enough to serve as a paradise for you a long weekend , but, yes: you will want to return.

You will want to stay a thousand and one nights in their riad and its luxury from another time, in the retreat of its hammam , having breakfast mint tea and msemmen with honey , discovering how young designers reinvent tradition in caftans unique... The online travel agency B the travel brand (and its more than 700 stores) will make this travel dream possible.

Morocco, and its irresistible offers , will seduce you as Scheherazade seduced the sultan, with his exotic hex , with his eternal poem of unique flavors, smells and textures . Will you join us to meet him?

girl with flower dress walking around marrakech

Even the clothes of its people -which you will want to take with you- will make you fall in love

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