Traveler Agenda (January 11, 12 and 13)


Traveler Agenda

Plans to not succumb to the cold this weekend

BETWEEN POSTS. We like trains and stations much more as a starting point for our trips, but also as a destination for our steps, especially when they lead us to the ** Motor Market ,** which this weekend celebrates his first appointment of this 2019.

Clothing, accessories, art, crafts, furniture… Vintage air, original designs and, in many cases, handmade give shape to an offer that is completed with f food trucks and live music by the Zed Blues Band and the Reverend Brown. Where: Railway Museum _(Paseo de las Delicias, 61) _. Hours: Saturday, from 11:00 a.m. to 10:00 p.m.; Sunday from 11:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m.

BOWIE. BACK TO EARTH. On the third anniversary of the death of David Bowie, the Cineteca pays homage to him with the Bowie cycle. Back to Earth, screening some of the movies he starred in with one of his multiple identities. This Thursday, January 10, we will be able to enjoy Ziggy Stardust.

On Saturday 12, do not miss Inside of the labyrinth (by Jim Henson) nor Twin Peaks: Fire walk with me (by David Lynch). To put the icing on the weekend, on Sunday there will be a screening The anxiety , debut film by the late Tony Scott.

The cycle will last until February 2 and you can consult the complete program here.

GASTRONOMY. All in the bowl! That's what the new kid in town is playing for: ** Bowl Bar , a restaurant where they take the passion for bowling that is flooding Madrid to another level.** To all the dishes, to be exact.

From breakfast to dinner, the creators of this concept have proposed that the The classics of always surprise you, not only because an international touch appears from time to time, but also because they arrive at your table in a bowl. Yes, the potato omelette too. From smoothie bowls to cheesecake. From a steak tartare bowl to some croquettes. You dare? (Hours: Tuesday to Friday from 09:00 to 00:00; Saturdays from 10:30 to 00:30; and Sundays from 10:30 to 16:30. Where: Calle Quintana, 28. Telephone: 91.502.36.25).

IN THE BED. We will always have Paris, even if it is to turn the pages of a book that makes us feel like we are walking through the French capital without leaving home. This is what the book gets _ Streets of Paris (teNeues publisher) _, in which the work of 37 photographers , Parisians and visitors alike, condenses to capture the essence of the city from different points of view.

Traveler Agenda

'Street of Paris'

ON THE SCREEN. What is the Rett syndrome ? Yes, we know: you've probably never heard of it. It is a rare disease to which the film All the ways wants to give visibility. In this film, directed by Paola Garcia Costas , the 12-day trip that the actor Daniel Rovira , Paco, the father of a girl affected by Rett Syndrome, and two other friends covered the 1,500 kilometers that separate Barcelona from the Vatican by bicycle. There, the goal was to reach the Pope and thus give visibility to this rare disease.

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