Traveler Agenda (November 23, 24 and 25)


Traveler Agenda

Be cool, what the cool!

A BOOK TO LOOK AT AND ADMIRE. _ Animals: An Exploration of the Zoological World (Ed. Phaidon, with introduction by James Hanken) _ . If it is about being fascinated by nature, this volume with 300 images paired on purpose to interact and amaze has the key.

From Charles Darwin to Damien Hirst, Andy Warhol or Joel Sartore… Photographs, prints, illustrations, manuscripts, digital representations selected by expert zoologists and academics. A journey to the birth of natural history and the evolution of nature photography. And the question is: What do animals have that amazes us so much? What are we doing to protect biodiversity?

A MUSICAL TO GO WITH THE FAMILY. Tales of the Forest It is a perfect musical to go with the family in Madrid, a song to nature and a game: where have Sol and Luna hidden? Jungle, Forest, Dune and Arctic come together to look for them by sending their faithful advisors (Lavender, Liana, Tundra and Siroco). In addition, three euros from your ticket reservation will go to charitable and educational projects (such as the El Olivar association and the PROCLADE Foundation).

Where? In Claret School Behind the Curtain _(Street of the Heart of Mary 1, Madrid) _. When? ** Book your ticket now for the functions of November 24 or 25 or those of December (days 1, 2, 15, 16 and 22).**

Tales of the Forest

Tales of the Forest

A PLAY. WELL, TWO. Beckett's absurdity in the days of junk TV; the absurd comedy in an eternal groundhog day. This could be defined the critical (and citrusy) humor of Real Magic from the company Forced Entertainment, that takes the stage of the Sala Negra of the ** Teatros del Canal , this Friday 23rd and Saturday 24th of November** at 7:00 p.m. and on sunday 25 at 6:00 p.m. (in English with Spanish subtitles).

Traveler Agenda

'Royal Magic'

Furthermore, in the Pavón Kamikaze Theater, November 27 and 28, Tuesday and Wednesday, at 8:30 p.m., the Titzina company reflects in a tragicomic key on the clash of civilizations between Europe and America and their collective story in ** La zanja **. Both works are part of the Madrid Autumn Festival, which celebrates its 36th edition until December 2. Calendar, workshops, master classes and ticket sales on this website.

Traveler Agenda

'The ditch'

A BOYCOTT: TO BLACK FRIDAY. Share and create, instead of buying so much. It seems that consuming makes us happy, it is even recommended against depression…. but are we really sure about that? The “I want it all and I want it now” generates more dissatisfaction than happiness, not to mention energy-environmental expenditure.

Coinciding with the already blessed Black Friday, make change , organized by Greenpeace, is an event-festival that stands up to excessive waste and disposable consumerism promoting creative alternatives to consumerism.

How? For three days in 30 Spanish cities, there will be workshops to learn how to make toys with recycled materials, creams and cosmetics with natural products or to learn to read (and understand) labels , talks about planned obsolescence and life beyond plastic, clothing exchanges to renew your wardrobe without buying a single sock (and to clean your house of clothes and condensed energy), concerts, performances, games for children and documentaries for adults , some as interesting as El camino de la carne or Why We Cycle.

Traveler Agenda

make change

ON THE SCREEN: "Since we couldn't kill them, we're going to drive them crazy." Thus begin the 12 years of isolation of three prisoners during the Uruguayan dictatorship. Does the name mean something to you? Pepe Mujica ? The night of 12 years account this is history.

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