Traveler Agenda (November 16, 17 and 18)


Traveler Agenda

Plans for a fall weekend

MUSIC COUNTDOWN. You are six months away from paying off the debt you owe to your teenage self, the one who couldn't see the Backstreet Boys . There are already dates for his next world tour DNA World Tour in which they will present their new album, DNA, which will go on sale on January 25. And yes, Nick, Brian, Kevin, A.J. and Howie are coming to Spain, to the Wizink Center in Madrid on the 13th and to the Palau Sant Jordi on the 17th. Time is running out, we know. For what there is no lack of time, on the other hand, is so that you can get one of the tickets that They can be purchased from tomorrow at 10:00 a.m. on Live Nation, Ticketmaster and Red Ticketmaster from 61.50 euros.

CONCERT . To enjoy the indie music with progressive rock overtones of the group ** Vilma Kanagawa ** in Madrid. To do this, write coordinates: room Breakwater _(Tarragona street, 18) _ at 9:30 p.m. Price: from 3 euros.

SOLIDARITY THEATRE. Tales of the Forest It is a perfect musical to go with the family in Madrid, a song to nature and a game : where have Sun and Moon hidden? Jungle, Forest, Dune and Arctic come together to look for them by sending their faithful advisors (Lavender, Liana, Tundra and Siroco) .

But also, Tales of the Forest it is compromise. behind the curtain , the theater group behind this initiative, intend to create art for all audiences and with which funds can be raised for "various education and development projects, such as the El Olivar association and the PROCLADE Foundation", they comment on the portal of Ticketea tickets.

The reservation of each entrance is a €3 donation which is intended for charitable purposes. Tales of the Forest awaits you at Claret School Behind the Curtain (Street of the Heart of Mary 1, Madrid). Reserve your ticket for the functions of November 24 or 25 or those of December (days 1, 2, 15, 16 and 22).

Tales of the Forest

Tales of the Forest

WOMEN, THESE ARE YOUR DAYS. Registration is now open for **the first edition in Madrid (and in Europe) of What a Woman**, a conference for women in which, through workshops and conferences experiences and knowledge will be shared on different topics of the professional and personal spheres.

It will be during the days November 24 and 25 when in the Palace Hotel up to 45 speakers come together to talk about wellness, health, business, entertainment, technology, social responsibility, fashion, culture, design, music and sexuality, among other topics. Two days to enjoy, learn and generate networking.

Traveler Agenda

A few days to share and learn

READ AND READ AND REREAD. The Soul of the Sea, by Philip Hoare _ (Publisher Attic of Books) _ One stormy day, rummaging through a closet, Philip Hoare finds an old notebook in which his 15-year-old self had written and drawn what would later turn out to be the axis of the life of the: snippets of poetry, space cities, seagulls, an orca. Thus begins, on a stormy day, The Soul of the Sea, an exciting essay in which you will find cinema, painting, poetry, punk, Russian ballet, cormorants, architecture and many, many whales.

And it is that the soul of the sea goes on the relationship of the human being with the sea throughout art and history, and for its almost 500 pages, which are read in one go –although you will stop countless times to investigate the references–, from Shakespeare to David Bowie, Mary Shelly or Stanley Kubrick, el capitab Akab and Virgina Wolf parade . All washed away by the waves and tides.

If you are as fascinated by the sea as Hoare, this will be your book of the season. If not, also, because this is a book for curious people who want to know more about everything. Thank you Philip!

Traveler Agenda

'The soul of the sea'

AN EXHIBITION THAT INVITES YOU TO ADVENTURE. Washington D.C., January 27, 1888. It's freezing. A group of 33 naturalists, geographers, cartographers, pedagogues, lawyers, soldiers and intellectuals Founded the National Geographic Society.

Among them were **Graham Bell (yes, the inventor)** and his mother-in-law, the philanthropist Gardiner Greene Hubbard, the Society's first president.

Objective: to extend the frontiers of knowledge. Know our environment to improve it.

It did not take long to become the most important non-profit institution in the world and the absolute reference on exploration and research.

Now, 130 years later, his goal remains the same... with urgent priorities.

Of its history and its evolution, of its explorations and missions, of its discoveries, of its outreach work, of the scientists and adventurers it has supported, of the dreams it has forged and of the wonderful world it has taught us to to love and to protect and new challenges goes the exhibition ** A window to the world. 130 years of NG that can be seen at the Fundación Telefónica in Madrid ** until February 24 _(Calle Fuencarral, 3) _.

Traveler Agenda

This is about forged dreams, among other things

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