D'A Film Festival, the best recent auteur cinema you can see at home


A flower that will bring us happiness... if we want it.

A flower that will bring us happiness... if we want it.

If everything continues to go well, on the right path of responsibility, in Phase II towards the "new normality", theaters will reopen their doors and turn on their screens. Much earlier than many of us feared and heard around. A relief, a hope, after months enjoying a lot of content on our most beloved platforms, we will return to the cinemas, because we also feel like going back to that dark room. With that hope returned and wide awake, we continue to take advantage of the hours to catch up with series and movies and appreciating initiatives as interesting as the D'A Film Festival of Barcelona that this year can be seen online.

From April 30 to May 10 , the consolidated Barcelona film festival passes its tenth edition to the Filmin streaming platform. After seeing how many international and national festivals were being postponed or cancelled, the D'A Film Festival decided to go ahead with a selection of the more than 100 films that they had prepared for this year.

Adventures with Werner Herzog.

Adventures with Werner Herzog.

“This decision was made just the day before the confinement, on March 13, we wanted to wait until the end of March to make the final decision, cancel, change dates, other possibilities, but on the 14th after discussing it with the team, we spoke with Filmin and that same day we got to work to transfer the D'A Film Festival Barcelona that we had prepared to a special online edition on the Filmin platform, with whom we have been collaborating for years”, Explain Carlos Rodríguez Ríos, director of the contest. “We were the first festival in Spain to announce this important and forced change, but we have seen that it has been a success due to the circumstances”.

Well established in Barcelona, ​​the D'A Film Festival was an annual event for catch up with the most awarded and renowned recent auteur and independent cinema, movies that came with good reviews and awards from other international festivals, well-known names, emerging talents. He was always accompanied, moreover, by many parallel activities in Barcelona that are lost this year. "Concerts, openings, closings, meeting with directors, etc." "But we will hold virtual meetings with the filmmakers, virtual professional conferences dedicated to the consequences of Covid-19 in the audiovisual sector and I hope that some surprise that we can organize”, advances its director.


Among the most outstanding titles of this online edition of the D'A, films that were liked at the last Cannes Festival, such as Roubaix, une lumière, by Arnaud Desplechin, Room 212, by Christophe Honoré either Jessica Hausner's Little Joe Austrian director to whom, in addition, they dedicate this year's retrospective, from Lovely Rita, her furious debut feature, to this recent dystopia with a beautiful and dangerous flower whose only goal is to make us happier, an interesting reflection on the search for happiness and the authenticity of our feelings.

Also, other big names like Werner Herzog whom we accompanied on a trip from Patagonia to Australia; and new talents, the competitive section of the festival, with unmissable first films, such as Adam, a window to young and LGTBI New York; either Dwelling in the Fuchun Mountains, a walk through a rural China and inspired by its traditional art; some beasts, reminiscent of The Exterminating Angel; and intense dramas with amazing landscapes (Abou Leila, Homeward…).

Summer is already there...

Summer is already there...

and there is also a wide section dedicated to Spanish filmmakers, long and short that invite us to continue traveling through our screens: as in When the summer ends of Marina Espinach; the traveler's notebook The pilgrims and its director María Riera Peris from a train; the people of Granada The moors; or the ride Girant per SAnt Antoni , neighborhood life and gentrification.

Although they will not be able to recover all the parallel activities, some of the titles are accompanied by virtual talks. Some recorded, like with the director Jessica Hausner, with Jorge Juarez (Sentimental education), Pere Albero (Girant per Sant Antoni), Ana Garcia Blaya (The good intentions)... and there will be live chat, like the one they will star in Burnin' Barnacles.

The festival maintains the awards of critics, public and also its juries. And next year we will return to theaters. “The D’A Film Festival Barcelona is a festival with a face-to-face DNA and will continue to be so, a city festival to enjoy the best international cinema to enjoy in movie theaters, the online D’A in Filmin already existed but surely from this year it will be more reinforced”.

A neighborhood struggling with its renewal.

A neighborhood struggling with its renewal.


All Filmin subscribers will have access to the films participating in the Festival. And if you're not a subscriber yet, they've launched a pack of 25 euros to see the films of the contest plus three months of Filmin.

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