13 reasons to go to a museum in 2013


13 reasons to go to a museum in 2013

The musèe d'Orsay, at the service of Impressionism

1 HURRY UP!... OR NOT We are in full high season, on the dates in which the best galleries they cover their facade with the poster of their star exhibition. in the coming months Gauguin say goodbye to the Thyssen, Van Dyck to the Prado Museum or Matisse to the New York Metropolitan. So read this article and then runs to your travel agency or to the door of the museum. But all is not lost as many of the exhibits are only they will move premises . So if you're going to miss Oldengurg at the Guggenheim Bilbao , you will be able to see it at MoMA starting in April or if during your visit to Paris you missed the opportunity to fall in love one more time with dali , nothing happens, his face will colonize Madrid and the Reina Sofía also in April. One last breath for those who have been through Paris just shopping: the marvelous retrospective of the impressionism and fashion del D'Orsay can also be seen at the Metropolitan of New York in just 2 months. Long live inbreeding!!

two. MINIMALIST AND ARCHAEOLOGICAL SPACE There is a lot, but a lot of expectation before the great museum reopening of the national scene. The images and videos that are filtered and publicized from the new National Archaeological Museum (now known as MAN ) presage an immaculate space, with the minimalist white starring in all rooms. We will have to wait until that inaccurate date known as 'Spring' to know how it feels to the Lady of Elche So modern simplicity.

3. THE BLUE RIDER RIDE AGAIN One of those things that is not understood about the Germans is that they had closed the Lenbachhaus in stone in 2011, when precisely the 100 years of the expressionist current "The Blue Rider" . Inconsistencies on the sidelines, the house par excellence of Frank Marc, Kandinsky Y Paul Klee she changes her dress and has prepared herself to receive more contemporary art from the family's private collection von Lenbach with works of Warhol Y Richard Serra , among others. But, perhaps, the most attractive thing about the reinvention of this space is its new and powerful exhibition hall. Seeing the quality of your permanent collection , exchanges with other galleries seem very juicy. From May.

Four. ENCLOSED BOILER When talking about exhibitions, you always have to see what is going on outside basel . The Beyeler Foundation is always the space trend setter in this ambit. They were the ones who discovered Basquiat in European eyes in 2010 or those who claimed the figure Henri Rousseau with a first major retrospective. Now it's up to Alexander Calder . Okay, it is true that he is an artist-brand, one of those that everyone knows and whose work 'must be understood', almost by dogma. But the bet beyler is to show him as an interior artist as well and bet on enclosing him between the spectacular walls projected by the great Renzo-Piano . Inescapable.

13 reasons to go to a museum in 2013

MoMA in New York, space for the avant-garde

5. NATIONAL VALUES IN SPAIN... In case of uncertainty, bet on what is at home, on the safe side. This is what both the Guggenheim in Bilbao and the Reina Sofía must have thought so that their two most outstanding events of the year have artists with a long history and depth in the closest public. The great retrospective dali will collapse queues at the Reina, while the always controversial Tàpies will receive the great honor to his memory in the dazzling rooms of the Bilbao giant.

6.**…AND ABROAD (TATE-MOMA)** But this current is not a cheap sample of palletism neither stale marketing, far from it. It is also done outside our borders and in cities as cosmopolitan as London or New York, who make their own name a siren song . At the Tate they will open the year (from February) with a gigantic exhibition that will try to reflect on and extol the importance of landscape in British painting during the last three centuries (and vice versa, the relevance of English painting in landscape painting as a genre). Almost nothing. For its part, MoMA takes the example and brings together the best works of its modern countrymen. Hopper, O'Keeffe or Stieglitz to Cascoporro!

7. 'SPANISHIZATION': FROM EL PRADO TO HOUSTON Since the arrival of Spanish settlers as illustrious as ponce de leon , USA had not suffered a similar Hispanicization. For the first time in history, a collection of masterpieces from the Prado Museum arrives with splendor on Yankee soil to be the protagonist of an exhibition. The fortunate? The MAFH (that is, the Houston Museum of Fine Arts , cloth with the acronyms). Rockstar works will sleep here for a while Velazquez, Goya, Titian either Rubens . Hala, let it not be said that we do not envy.

8. THE THYSSEN AND THE MOST POPULAR ISMS moment to analyze the most exhibitionist museum of our geography: the Thyssen of Madrid. After a year very focused on safe names (Hopper, Gauguin or Chagall) once again resort to transversal exhibitions in which to talk about an artistic movement. And they don't risk it again, to pull well-known currents that work better among the general public. In the first place, Impressionism and the open air, then there will be a little anger in favor of American Hyperrealism (they are clear that the US is cool, and even more so after the success of Hopper) and they will end the year with Surrealism. In between, a small nod to Pissarro with his first monograph in Spain. I said, safe bets.

9. THE WAR IS STILL TT The year 2013 will continue to 'suffer' that curious mania of museums and curators for compare this period of crisis (economic, values, ideological, etc.) with the convulsive beginning of the 20th century. That is, what war as inspiration, liberation or aberration will maintain its status as trending topic . The manager will be the Guggenheim in Bilbao which, with the World War II Paris as a starting point, it will give another twist to horror in art.

13 reasons to go to a museum in 2013

The Cube of Moneo del Prado, controversial art container

10. IN LATIN AMERICA THERE IS ART Under the exact (and not very spirited) title of 'The concrete invention: Patricia Phelps de Cisneros Collection' , lands in Madrid the first exhibition as a result of the agreements that the management is reaching with private collectors from all over the planet. Although it may not sound very encouraging at first, this event has the value of bringing together and showing the work and contribution to universal art of the Latin American geniuses and, therefore, deserves all respect and, at the very least, the benefit of the doubt and expectation.

eleven. GREAT WORKS, SMALL PICTURES The Prado Museum returned to the limelight in 2012 and once again more than justified the controversial expansion of Moneo , which enabled a space for exhibitions. Of Hermitage a Van Dyck , all the storms it hosted were a resounding success, once again getting along with the common people. Now, 2013 is not all that promising and he centers all his bets on one horse: Belleza Encerrada. With this title so... nice, the Prado collects all the great works in small format , whether they are cabinet pictures or preparatory sketches. Not suitable for those who measure art in cm2.

12. PAIRING OF NAMES AND CITIES If you otherwise is to fly looking for an exhibition or you destiny is randomly finding great exhibitions in the most unexpected cities, here are the latest recommendations. A marriage of artist names that are shown in the most varied cities. leger and Philadelphia, munch and Zurich, Magritte and New York or Liechtenstein and London are some of these more prominent marriages of convenience. Now, the most surprising? The one who makes Kansas a new gafapasta destination with the great retrospective of mexican art to be held at the Nelson-Atkins Museum of Art. Nothing more and nothing less than Frida Kahlo Y Diego Rivera headliner.

13. MUSEUMS, BRANDS AND BRANDING Finally, more than an excuse, it remains to highlight a trend and leave a sentence. 2013 will stand out for having the inauguration of a corporate museum every week or so. Spaces where a company likes itself, shows its designs, objects, collections of its foundation, etc. This proliferation, far from being criticized here as a disloyal propaganda tool, is one of the best news for the museum world because what it does is put the batteries to the rest, show that these spaces can be cool and attractive to a large audience and offer different experiences. Please never stop surprising us.

If you want to know more:

- The new art containers: museums to keep track of

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