Casa de Gula, the restaurant of 'La Peste'



The second season opens a restaurant.

In the 16th century they were known as houses of gluttony to an evolution of taverns . They not only drank there, they also ate. and they did not become snoopers , where you could also spend the night. "The house of gluttony is like the origin of the house of meals," he explains. Gigia Pellegrini , series props Plague . "They served home cooked meals, popular foods."

If in the first season of the Movistar+ series, created by Alberto Rodriguez and Rafael Cobos (double of the minimal island, Group 7 ) , many taverns appeared, in the second ( premiere November 15 ), we will see the protagonists enter a house of gluttony, advances Pellegrini. And all those sets, scenes of the new story, have now served as inspiration to translate fiction into reality with the opening in Seville of House of Gluttony , a restaurant and bar where Crossing the door means moving not only to the series, but to the 16th century.

From the decoration to the letter . All the senses will make the visitor and diner travel to that world in which Seville was the New York of the world , cosmopolitan and vibrant for trade with the Americas. Although all that wealth also had a darker side of the coin, as it is well Plague . Casa de Gula opens within the transmedia strategy carried out for the series, a Alternate Reality Game that in the first season focused on a tour of the most special locations and this time it has gone a step further with this royal tavern.


A special menu inspired by recipes from the 16th century.

“It was a very important challenge –continues Pellegrini–: to transform a place, which was a normal bar, of today, very large and that had nothing to remind us of the 16th century, and get the sensations we get when we enter the sets of the series ”. She and the art team know this well because the selection of locations to be faithful to the moment was very careful and complex.

The first step for Pellegrini's team was “intervene the walls” with the same technique that they use in the shoot: "A technique that we have created with painted and textured papers that make them look really fresh."

Then they went to the warehouses where they kept the props built for the series and used in it and they chose objects, above all, from the first season, which the viewer already recognizes to place them around Casa de Gluttony. "It was also complicated because they are objects that are created for ephemeral decorations and now they have to live a real life," says Pellegrini. An entire display case is filled with memorabilia , but also fans of the series will be able to recognize furniture, lamps or wrought iron elements (lanterns, crosses, flowers...) scattered around the premises.

House of Gluttony

Walls very 'The Plague'.

Casa de Gula, which will open to the public on September 20, It has two floors and a terrace. . In the one that faces the street, there are long tables, like in the taverns of that time. And also other smaller ones "to adapt to today's demand". Downstairs, the first thing that will catch your eye is the bar counter , such as a marble altar and the counter for which they have used the reproduction of an altarpiece of the Virgin of the Navigators of the Alcázar of Seville What did they do for the series? On both floors, the lighting has been very careful so that the experience of immersion in that dark sixteenth century is absolute.


Once your eyes are acclimated to space, you will touch sharpen the other senses in this sixteenth century and the gastronomic proposal of Casa de Gula could not be left behind. The chef daniel del toro has been in charge of designing a special menu, inspired by the time and, therefore, in the series.

On the one hand, there are the Garduña dishes (that was the name of the secret and criminal society who plays a major role in the series), popular food recipes then, dense spoon stews, which are still popular today, such as chickpea stew, partridge soup, pot of tuna, roasted knee (pork knuckle), salted cod... You can order the dishes separately or choose for any of the two tasting menus (27 and 35 euros each) .

House of Gluttony

Sixteenth century recipes reinterpreted today.

In addition, there is another main and more extensive menu of more modern recipes, but also full of nods to the series: such as “ Those recommended by Teresa Pinedo ” (Patricia López's character), which are shrimp canutillos with soy sauce or goat cheese sacks; “ Mateo Núñez's favorites ” (the protagonist, Pablo Molinero), “ The Delights of the Town Hall " either " Confiscated to the Garduña ”.

Casa de Gula is the "official tavern of La Peste" And it will be open for two years for fans of the series, of history, of good food. It is "a space for the awkward, the freethinkers , for those who are questioned, silenced, feared, persecuted and, even so, spread, for centuries, their golden freedom in the essence of the streets of Seville”.

House of Gluttony

Series memorabilia.

Address: Calle Álvarez Quintero, 9 (Seville) See map

Schedule: From 12:00 to 02:00.

Half price: €25

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