Paradise is in Brañagallones


Paradise is in Brañagallones

Paradise is in Brañagallones

Imagine a large meadow of intense green, located in a spectacular natural setting in which chamois coexist with peregrine falcons and wild boars and in which the only sound you will hear is the singing of birds such as the alpine sparrow, the rumbling of the air, or the lowing of some distant cow.

Imagine no more: that place away from the madding crowd exists and is in Asturias . The Refuge of Brañagallones , located in the plain that gives it its name, at more than 1,200 meters of altitude, in the Redes Natural Park , offers the atmosphere of camaraderie of the mountain refuges, and the comforts (including heating, hot water and a forceful dinners delicious ) of a hotel. And, in addition, it is not necessary to turn off the sound of the mobile to avoid distractions, because there is no coverage or wifi , which turns this refuge into a true paradise for Total disconnection .

The credentials of Network Park speak for themselves: Natural Park since 1996, Biosphere Reserve since 2001, and, in addition, Special Protection Area for Birds (ZEPA). But beyond recognition, Redes is a dream place in which each season has its charm and one of the best base camps from which to explore the Park is this refuge.


Vehicle access to the refuge is prohibited; they can only reach it Authorized 4x4 taxis. There are three options: go up on foot, by mountain bike, or in the aforementioned vehicle, which makes trips regularly and has different rates depending on the number of people in the group. Excursions can also be booked at the Redes Natural Park Interpretation Center.

View of Brañagallones

View of Brañagallones

If you are going to walk or ride a bike, it is best to leave the car in the charming town of bezanes , a small town with colorful houses and several hórreos that make up a beautiful Asturian image and where there is a large free parking . From there to the refuge there is a distance of almost 11 kilometers, with different degrees of unevenness – in total, 600 meters. The trail is well indicated and runs along a forest track in which there is no loss. Along the route you can see from the heroic beekeeping of the area - do not miss the incredible hives a short distance from the Texu Prayer Viewpoint , perched on the rock-, as well as the livestock tradition, with cows grazing peacefully in the meadows on both sides of the road.

The steepest part is at the beginning, especially until you reach the viewpoint; As you go up, the road becomes more bearable. When you cross the tunnel Crepe You will have the first views of the Brañagallones plain. The road runs between beech and chestnut trees and in the warmer months, if you're lucky, you might find berries. Autumn is one of the most spectacular times to do the tour, since the colors of the mountain, dyed red, yellow and ocher, are wonderful. In winter there are times when the snow it dyes everything white, so it is advisable to check the weather forecast before planning the climb.

Arriving at the refuge after having done this route on foot or by bike tastes like triumph . Not only for having the opportunity to enjoy the landscape and fresh air at your own pace, but also for the time it gives you to internalize the beauty of the natural environment of the Parque de Redes.

If you prefer to climb on the municipal taxi From Bezanes, you can book at the number 689 89 30 51. Of course, in the snowy season, the taxi option is not available.

Hiking in Brañagallones

Hiking in Brañagallones


The refuge is a luxury that can be enjoyed alone, as a couple, accompanied by friends, as a family, with children... that is, it is a luxury within everyone's reach. The building of alpine winds, It has capacity for 39 guests, with room options for 4, 5 and 6 people. In addition, it has a huge dining room and a living room. When it's cold, it's a delight to sit on their sofas facing the fireplace , a good picture of how cozy the space is. In summer, nothing like having a few bottles of and fresh cider, enjoying this spectacular setting.

Located in the sheepfold that gives it its name, the refuge is not the only building in the area, as the landscape is dotted with tiny stone huts, many of which are still used by ranchers and are in perfect condition. Actually, the outfit is so pretty that it might as well be the movie set.

Upon arrival, the first to greet you may be Xana , a friendly mastiff dog. Then, in addition to the mountaineers and visitors who are going to spend the night, you will find hikers who make a stop at the refuge to have some cider sticks and enjoy the food of Juan , the chef from Madrid who is currently behind the stove. Jose Manuel, For his part, he is the ranger of the refuge, a person with an exhaustive knowledge of the area, who speaks with a contagious passion about the mountains, Redes and the nature that surrounds him. If you talk to him you will not miss the wifi.

The origins of the facilities go back to its past as hunter's lodge. Later, the building was transformed into a three-star hostel that did not catch on (from 2005 to 2009) and since September 2016, it has been managed by the Mountain, Climbing and Hiking Sports Federation, which managed to bring it back to life.

Brañagallones shelter

The refuge has history


There are so many options in the surroundings that the ideal is to spend at least three or four days to explore the terrain well. One of the most spectacular and accessible routes is the one that goes from the refuge to the Lake Ubales , passing through the beautiful forest of Redes and the picturesque sheepfold of the Mercueria. On a clear day you can easily see the Picos de Europa from the lake.

A mandatory route from the refuge is the ascent to Cantu'l Oso, one of the most emblematic summits of Caso. To carry it out there are two options. The first consists of climbing directly from the plain itself, on a route with hardly any difficulty beyond the slope, which in the final section is pronounced. The path is easy to follow even without a map, it is signposted and the destination can be seen from the starting point, since the Cantu'l Oso can be admired from the refuge.

The other option, for the more adventurous, is to take a circular route going up the course of the Monasterio river to the flock of Valdevezon , crossing centennial beech forests. From there you ascend to Sierra les Príes, whose crest leads directly to Cantu'l Osu. Although it sounds dizzying, the route lacks exposed sections and instead offers some extraordinary views. For this reason, the effort involved in traveling through the characteristic karstic terrain of the area is more than rewarded by unparalleled views of the Brañagallones glacial cirque.

Another good alternative is ascent to the Peña'l Vientu , a more demanding route that is recommended for people who frequent the mountains and are in good shape. La Peña’l Vientu marks the regional border between León and Asturias and offers impressive views of San Isidro.

Refuge of Brañagallones

Refuge of Brañagallones

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