The May square


The May square

General view of the Plaza de Mayo.

Some of the most important streets and avenues of Buenos Aires, in one way or another, end in the Plaza de Mayo. As a spiritual center that it is, in the buildings that surround its spherical garden, the history of Argentina can be seen, from its origins, when it was known as Plaza Mayor, to the present day. ** The Casa Rosada, seat of the presidency; the Metropolitan Cathedral, with its neoclassical columns, or the old town hall stand in it, making it the essence of the city.**

In full view of all, the May Pyramid brushes the sky, in memory of the revolutionaries who gave Argentina independence, and the equestrian statue of General Belgrano, more famous for designing the country's blue and white flag than for his talents. as a strategist.

But if the Plaza de Mayo is known, it is for its intense life, it has been the scene of tragedies, such as the indiscriminate attacks by the Naval Aviation on the population in 1955, and of celebrations, such as the victories of Argentina in the 1978 soccer world championships. and 1986. In it, mothers who saw their children and grandchildren disappear during the military dictatorship have met weekly since 1977, which has made it world famous, and it is the center of operations for any event that shakes the soul of Argentines. The Plaza de Mayo is without a doubt the heart of the city, and, therefore, of the country.

Map: See map

Address: Plaza de Mayo Buenos Aires See map

Guy: Parks and gardens

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