Traveling pets: learn how to take advantage of them in your photos!


Traveling cats.

Traveling cats.

No matter how much you travel, or how or where, you can do it with your pet... We recently showed you that it could be even more fun as they take you to amazing places. See if not the story of Andrew Knap and his faithful companion, Momo, who together have been traveling for eight years and sharing adventures through the quintessential social network for traveling pets.

If you have already traveled with your pet, you will know plenty They always look better than you in the photos. They are handsome by nature.

And although they are difficult to capture at times (especially if they are in open natural spaces), those snapshots end up being your favorite photos of the trip.

It is not easy to capture their best moments, and even more so if you do not have good photographic material, but we show you how you can photograph your pet without dying trying.

How should you photograph your pet?

How should you photograph your pet?


Andrés López has been photographing animals for more than four years and the author, together with Merce Alonso, of the book 'Photographing Pets. The art of photographing your best friend' (Anaya, 2019) that has inspired and encouraged us to write this article.

His story is that of many volunteers - whom I want to call heroes - who help find families for animals of all kinds , especially dogs, and give them the opportunity to get out of abandonment.

In this case, his project focused on go through hundreds of shelters and shelters to altruistically offer his art with the camera and give a second chance to thousands of animals.

"The Invisibles Project was born four years ago, and in all this time we have worked with more than twenty associations, protectors and municipalities. We have lost count of the animals we have photographed, but the last time we did a count, we had a file of more than 4,000 . Not only dogs and cats, but we have also had to photograph the drama of the abandonment of reptiles, birds, pigs, rodents...well, the abuse and abandonment of pets is widespread in our country, a real drama ", he tells

Travel with your pet

Travel with your pet!

Initially the objective of his book was to collect the stories of the more than 5,000 friends who have helped get out of abandonment , but finally with the help of the Editorial Anaya They released this issue with tips for photographing pets.

We take them at their word and use their techniques and tricks to help us get the best out of our furry ones when we travel . These are their top 10 tips :

Adventures are always better in good company.

Adventures are always better in good company.

1. Never make your pet suffer for a photograph. Don't force or force him.

two. Take advantage of natural light. "When we photograph outdoors, the most common mistake is not knowing how to take advantage of natural light, and above all, something that I always insist on in my talks and, of course, in the book: you have to photograph at the height of the animal."

3. Get a comfortable and light equipment . Andrés uses two Olympus brand cameras with a micro 4/3 sensor and interchangeable lenses: the OMD camera and the Olympus PEN camera. But if you have to invest, " invest in bright, quality lenses ".

Four. If you want to photograph him in motion, he uses the burst format. And don't get depressed if a lot of them come out of focus.

5. You can take good photos with the mobile It doesn't have to be the last on the market. You can use a retouching app to give it a better finish. "I personally recommend the Snapseed App, a free app for IOS and Android," says Andrés.

Your best friend will always be more handsome than you.

Your best friend will always be more handsome than you.

6. For portrait it is better to use a homogeneous background. In 'Photographing Pets. The art of photographing your best friend' (Anaya, 2019) recommends zenithal shots -from top to bottom-.

7. Take advantage of the first lights of the day or the last lights of the afternoon to get a better light.

8. Flash can be used outdoors if what we want to highlight the protagonist.

9. Be patient , learn to drop to the ground, crouch down and get closer to your pet's gaze.

10. You can use their favorite toys to get their attention and get them to pay attention to you and stay still.

'Photograph Pets. The art of photographing your best friend'

'Photograph Pets. The art of photographing your best friend' (Anaya, 2019)

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