Lund, Swedish party


Lund Swedish party

Lund, Swedish party

Lund University or Lunds Universitet , as they say in Swedish, has a long tradition (its foundation dates back to the 17th century). It is perhaps the most relevant in the entire country. An open and cosmopolitan atmosphere permeates the streets of the city that attracts as if it were a magnet students and teachers from all over the world.

Hej, hur är läget? hi, hi , can be heard on the street in any corner giving the impression that not only do they all know each other but that they have always been part of this small city. And it is true, although it may be a temporary illusion since there is a high turnover of students and many stay only a few months. These are the Swedish terms with which you can survive in the city:


The backbone of the social and cultural life of Lund students is the Nationen, which represent the different regions of Sweden. Swedish students from other regions of the country tend to choose the Nation of their region, contributing their idiosyncrasy to it and consequently producing a social fabric that allows one to get to know Sweden through its Nationen. It is curious and on the other hand interesting that a whole country like Sweden can be represented in a small provincial town like Lund. Obviously not all Nationen are equally prestigious among students.

The competition between them is great. and each one fights to improve its fame, improving its offer to attract potential interested parties, that is, partners. Consequently, a paradoxical situation arises: entering a “fashionable” Nation and participating in some of its activities can be difficult unless you know the right people. Some students very close to their favorite Nation they fight and even “intrigue” to get a room to rent in the same Nation.

Lund University its nerve center

Lund University: your nerve center

The Nationen organize artistic, scientific, cultural and social activities. From monographic training courses to traditional ones Sunday brunch or Thursday dinner in the same restaurant as the Nation. But of all these activities, the most popular are the parties of each Nation that they organize one day a week. Since there are more Nationen than days, it can be said that every day there is a party and some more than one to choose from.

In total there are thirteen Nationen: Östgöta, Västgöta, Smâlands, Lunds, Malmö, Helsinborg-Landskrona, Sydskonskâ, Kristianstads, Beklingska, Göteborgs, Hallands, Kalmar and Werlands.

All the activities are organized by the students and the partners of each Nation participate, for example the Västgöta Nation organizes in its bar Meter every Wednesday from 22.00 its weekly party. The truth is that they really turn it into a real nightclub with a staging that has nothing to envy to a private fashion venue. That's why they are common long lines at the entrance . yes to enter you have to be a student and have the corresponding Nationen card.

Apart from the Nationen there are not too many places that can give even a little shade to them in this small town. Located in the heart of the city, Tegners is one of those meeting points that, without being a Nation, attracts students and teachers to eat, just have a coffee or dance a little at night.


The Lunda night


Yes, it is the official means of transport, even during the long winter they circulate unstoppable and heroic between the mist and the frozen asphalt. Even forced skids don't scare intrepid riders.

3. Korridoren

There is a wide range of residences for students, such as in Sparta or Vildanden , which at the time of its construction received an architecture award. Its appearance is unmistakable: large cold gray masses of reinforced concrete that contrasts with its interior distribution, very adapted to community life, promoting interrelationships and communication.


Systembolaget comes from a measure that was taken at the beginning of the 19th century to try to limit alcohol consumption in the country . To do this, they monopolized the sale of alcohol at a national level, limiting it to only certain points of sale: systembolaget . So since you can't buy a bottle of wine at the supermarket on the corner, on Friday afternoons there are usually long queues at the systembolaget. The good thing is that you can find drinks from anywhere in the world. The bad: in general it is expensive Well, alcohol is heavily penalized with taxes.


Outside of Kulturen


Apart from the University, an essential visit is the Romanesque Lund Cathedral or Domkyrkan dating from the twelfth century and is the most important of this style in all of Scandinavia. Do not forget to enter to see its impressive astronomical clock . By the way, this one rings at 12:00 and 15:00 daily.


Another must-see is Kulturen, the Cultural History Museum , created at the end of the 19th century. it's a great outdoor space in the city center in which constructions and representative objects from other times are exposed that will help us to better understand Sweden and its roots.


learning Swedish traditions


It is the main square of Lund and nerve center of the city. Interesting and welcoming, it is pleasant to have a coffee on one of the terraces of the bars in the area. As it is cold almost the whole year they are prepared and at night They will put at our disposal a blanket that will surely be appreciated.

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Lund Cathedral


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