Logos Hope, the ship that houses the largest floating bookstore in the world


Logos Hope the ship that houses the largest floating bookstore in the world

This ship carries the world's largest floating bookstore

The Logos Hope has been traveling the world since 2004. Its goal is to bring knowledge, culture, help and hope to people around the world, offering literary resources and promoting cultural exchanges. Not surprisingly, its crew is made up of 400 volunteers of 60 different nationalities who live and work on the ship for two years, they explain on their website.

Before this floating bookstore, there was already the Logos, Logos II and Doulos that since 1970 have dedicated themselves to traveling the world. Between the four of them they have reached 151 different countries and received more than 44 million people on board.

Among the 5,000 titles that make up this library Spiritual books, children's books, textbooks, dictionaries, world cuisines and romance novels abound , they explain in the newspaper La Provincia . They can be purchased at about 6 euros per volume. Entrance to the establishment is free.

Logos Hope the ship that houses the largest floating bookstore in the world

culture on board

Until November 28, it will be in the port of Santa Catalina Norte in Las Palmas. Its opening hours are on Saturdays from 12:00 to 21:30; Sunday and Monday from 2:00 p.m. to 9:30 p.m.; and from Tuesday to Friday between 10:00 a.m. and 9:30 p.m. On November 29 she will leave for Santa Cruz de Tenerife and will stay there until December 9. Keep an eye on this page where they will indicate all the information about opening hours

Behind Logos Hope is OM Ships International, a non-profit organization which began operating in 1970 as part of OM International, a global Christian movement. OM Ships International uses all of its income, whether from donations or sales on board, to pay for port visits, ship expenses and staff needs.

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