LGBTI Pride 2018: much more than a party


The Gran Vía in Madrid during the pride festivities

Madrid proud

Hotel beds are scarce and the different spaces in the capital that are enabled for the different performances are already prepared for the party to begin. The LGBTI Pride 2018 It has already arrived, and with a well-loaded program.

Undoubtedly the greatest attractions of the festivities are found in the performances that we will find in the Plaza de Pedro Zerolo and Plaza del Rey.

The success of spaces Sun Gate and, above all, Plaza de España, have made the ** MADO 2018 ** program last until the wee hours of the morning. In fact, there will even be a special eurovision in which old glories of the likes of Betty Missiego, Karina or Baccara themselves they will make an appearance.

Madrid City Council prepared for pride

Madrid City Council prepared for pride

Although the festive atmosphere will not stop at these ten days of celebration will be the next saturday july 7 when it will reach its most effervescent point with the manifestation of the LGBTI Pride 2018 . It will start from Plaza de Carlos V at 5:30 p.m. with the banners of the first associations until the departure of the last floats, whose end is foreseen in the Plaza de Cibeles after midnight.

In those more than 7 hours of walking, there will be party, music, but above all, vindication . After the demonstration, Madrid will offer an epic end of the party in its different spaces.

And in this fight for diversity, We wanted to meet some of its protagonists:


“As Katy Perry sings: Honey, you're a firework. So Pride is the outbreak of that fire that we are”, Roy Galán

Behind one of the most celebrated cultural phenomena on social networks are the kind eyes of a shy boy who dreams every night and every day of a world where equality reigns. A boy who played at being a writer and made the rudder of a ship out of letters that has already crossed several oceans.

Roy draws LGBTI Pride as a place, a physical and mental space from which to resist, “in which diverse people celebrate and claim our right to be, to love, to desire and in which we remind each other that we are not alone. I see that every time there is room for more pride. Before, the feeling was that they "given" us one day a year to keep us calm and calm, but now the heartbeat is much more continuous over time, many sensitivities are added and this is thanks in part to the boom in feminism ”.

for Ray, Feminism and Pride have always gone hand in hand , and that is also why he considers it our responsibility that Pride is not only identified with gay men. “Lesbians are the great invisible. And I don't even tell you about trans people. We cannot claim equality if we do not provide it from within the group itself. I am also concerned that the complex issue of surrogacy can fragment that historical and cosmic alliance between gay men and women. It worries me and makes me sad ”, He is sincere.

Roy during these days, he will do what he does best: write and share your feelings . On his agenda, he plans to go to the demonstration on July 7, and see the play Dices of Ventriculo Veloz and José Padilla at the Teatros del Canal - because Pride is also culture, he tells us-it talks about identity and the right to be who we really are.

“I will also look at what the Critical Pride has called - because as I already said, all prides fit in pride- and what I am not going to do is go see Netta the winner of the Eurovision Song Contest n as a protest to "pink wash" that Israel tries to make at the expense of our struggle. We cannot allow a war to give us the same. Because then we are validating that our situation as a group is also the same to the rest of the people and above all because Pride is and must be a defense of life ”, he sentences.


“We will always preserve this Pride movement. We people from Madrid are very imperfect, but wonderful just for that reason”, La Prohibida

Possibly the drag queen most famous in this country, with a spectacular career and tons of gray matter at full capacity . Strong advocate for equality and diversity , rivers of ink ran in the newsrooms due to her participation in the float of diversity of the ** Vallecano Pride collective ** in the last Cavalcade of the Magi. Always faithful to the appointment with him lgbt pride, this icon of the culture of Madrid receives Traveler with her perennial smile.

Rainbow bunting against a blue sky in the streets of Madrid

Madrid dresses proud

La Prohibida starts: “For me, Pride is, above all, a necessary and very fun party . I love the mass participation by all kinds of people. In the end, this party has become what we all wanted, a party with a message and where everyone is welcome . Love without distinctions is celebrated and tolerance is celebrated even for those who do not agree with the LGTBI collective, why not?

For the artist, the evolution of LGTBI Pride has always been in progression for the better. The laws have been favoring us more and more, as well as social awareness, which has been the best evolution we have been able to have. This year, her contribution will be from entertainment, working at the Viva Pop festival , which is one of the thousands of parties that are organized this year.

In addition, La Prohibida insists that Madrid Pride is different because the capital is a very open city that welcomes people from outside very well. The character of the Madrilenian is very direct and very complicit. And she concludes: "Besides, I would say that it is not a different Pride but a special Pride. In Spain we know very well how to throw parties because we like to hang out, have fun in a group and with a certain control. We like dancing and enjoyment. The secret is the character of the Madrilenian” . Amen, sister.


“You want a lot. Respect a lot. And above all, don't stop dancing and dreaming." Vurdalak DJ's

Vallecas celebrates for the second year its neighborhood pride , an initiative that claims sexual and gender liberation for a society without social barriers, without differences, without economic or partisan interests, without inequality.

The neighborhood of Vallecas already knew how to tell the world this Christmas through the collective ** Vallecano Pride **, that it is possible to fight for equality and diversity without falling into clichés or double standards.

The famous Vallecano Pride float, that one that represented more than anything the diversity in the procession of Kings, received dozens of threats and insults, paradoxically the same as homosexuals, bisexuals or transsexuals have suffered for decades. A faithful and horrendous reflection of history itself.

The pride of Madrid through the streets

From neighborhood to neighborhood spreading pride

But all this has only served to fuel even more (if possible) the fighting spirit. Neighborhood Pride is presented this year with a program that includes all kinds of activities, including photography exhibitions and poetry recitals.

We wanted to have some of the protagonists and we have come across David and Frank , the Vurdalak Dj's , an institution in the Madrid night.

For David, the Pride It is a date that in an egalitarian world should not be celebrated , but as long as there is labor and social discrimination, bullying, incarceration, executions and any sign of denial of rights to the global LGTBI population, necessary.

"Same as him critical pride, from Vallecas there is an emphasis on the recognition of other forms and styles of gay life: neighborhood people, workers, fighters and with economic difficulties that do not fit the prototype that many want to sell us and, above all, an integration in the neighborhood that includes neighbors, people from outside and of all ages. That is one of the true celebrations and claims of Pride: diversity and respect everywhere, not just in Chueca . Any form of socio-cultural manifestation that contributes all these values, wherever it comes from, is always welcome”, he is sincere.

Vurdalaks DJ's will be playing the next Saturday 30th at the Verbena Lgtbi that will be held at the Cerro del Tío Pío , the famous "Park of the seven tits", from six in the evening until dawn. They will have the presence of many artists with whom they will collaborate selflessly, "to make a family event, fun, in which you are all invited wherever you come from", as the couple tells us. Without a doubt, it will be the event of the year.


1. be clean These days the city of Madrid has become a very attractive tourist attraction for many people from all over the globe, which is why it is counterproductive turn it into a dump.

The fact of seeing more and more people carrying their own garbage bags to later deposit them in the enabled containers as reinforcement is already a relief. And this is a reality on the day of the Manifestation. Avoid sandals or flip flops that expose your foot, you can step on some glass that will ruin your day . The use of public restrooms is also important in maintaining a clean and healthy city. Take example.

Be responsible during Pride

For a PROUD pride

two. Be responsible. One of the hallmarks of the LGTBI Pride celebration is responsibility. It is certainly quite The scarcity of brawls caused by aggression, violence or destruction of street furniture is noteworthy. . Although not everything is fields of flowers, because the number of declared cases of intoxication by alcohol or illegal substances does not decrease every year.

In addition, as pointed out by CESIDA, the youngest population (including adolescents under 20 years of age) is the one that is presenting the most positive cases to different STIs, due to ignorance and an incipient loss of fear or respect for these types of diseases. Protecting you is protecting us.

3. Hydrate and rehydrate. With temperatures close to 35 degrees Celsius, getting into a concentration of thousands of people can be reckless, almost like having brunch at the mouth of Kilauea.

Neither cardboard fans nor Roman vestal clothing are enough to avoid sunstroke, heat stroke or dehydration. Whether in the demonstration, or in any of the events proposed by the city of Madrid, do not stop replenishing fluids so that the body stays hydrated. Remember that alcohol also promotes dehydration. And protect yourself from the sun with a good sunscreen; You will avoid disappointment.

make love and not war

make love and not war

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