Leave your swimsuit at home and immerse yourself in the beauty of this virgin beach


The beautiful beach of Cantarrijn in La Herradura

The beautiful beach of Cantarriján, in La Herradura

“In Cantarriján, diving goggles are optional; here it is enough to look down to contemplate hundreds of fish dancing between your legs . It contributes to the fascinating view that this sea does not get angry a little, as it caresses the sand cut off by a small cove from which the waves pass by”.

“If we look up, the panorama is also a spectacle: the mountains, which we had to climb through a beautiful green path, seem to melt, dotted with pine trees, until sink into the sea ”.

So we started our article about Cantarriján , in Almuñecar (Granada), one of the most beautiful and virgin beaches that still exist on the Mediterranean coast. So natural is its profile that it invites many of those who step on it to enjoy it in the simplest way possible: without any clothes.

In fact, the sandbank has been recognized since 1982 as Naturist Beach thanks to the struggle of the first nudist groups in the area, which ceased to be illegal with the arrival of democracy.

Naked girl on the beach ofcantarrijan

Undress body and soul in Cantarriján

"Us We defend Cantarriján because we are in love with it. And we want everyone who comes to try to feel intertwined with her, undressing her mind while undressing her body ”. Pedro J. Secretary of the Association of Friends of the Nudist Beach of Cantarriján (AAPNC), which celebrates this Saturday its Nudist Encounter annual. Last year, the event brought together fifty naturists; this is expected to double that figure.

“It is the great climax to all the pro-nudist activities that we have been carrying out during the year, both there and off the beach. A body painting workshop, a naturist yoga session, a lunch in which all the clothes are superfluous or a naturist evening with live music, are part of this special day in which bare skin removes any kind of social labels that the rest of the world imposes ”, he explains to Traveler.es.

“Over the decades and with the new models of society learned, the textile bather (typical of summer times), has been displacing the nudist of its few beaches, slowly but steadily. And in Cantarriján it has also happened. Lifelong nudists decided to protect and preserve our beach, trying to prevent naturism from escaping. And the best way to do it is with the nudist promotion that we carry out through our actions. It is a formula that, without a doubt, is bearing fruit with very good results”.

The objective of the association, in fact, is "to promote, make visible and normalize nudism", and it does so by inviting everyone to undress through other proposals throughout the year, such as nudist spa days or hiking trails. nudists through the precious Protected Natural Area in which the beach itself is located.

naked back man on the beach ofcantarrijan at sunset

Natural sunsets in Cantarriján

“For the association, inviting those who do not practice it to undress is an essential part of making people understand that nudism should not be dismissed as an inappropriate choice to be and to be on a beach, a campsite, a river or any other public place”, clarifies the secretary. In fact, he considers that, during the event on Saturday, surely new naturists will be born, a "tribe" whose characteristics are not limited to wearing a swimsuit or not, according to Pedro J.

The naturist is much more respectful at all levels. He is usually more tolerant and involved in environmental issues and cares less about the social, economic or work labels that another person has. The naked body also eliminates our own body obsessions . Showing them gives you more strength to stop seeing your complexes and make others' complexes disappear. You show yourself as you are, without ambiguity or value judgments.

"Bare skin is a perfect canvas of who we are. By dressing, we hide our way of being and acting a bit. Our essence. And being naked, there is nothing to hide and we can achieve being the natural that prevents us from our daily life, full of clothes, accessories and conventions that disguise and overshadow the naturalness of the human being”, concludes the secretary.

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